look at me 16

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I watched Emily and Justin walk off down the corridor, how I wished I was heading down there with them."Now, Nicole, follow me please." Principal said, taking off in the opposite dirrection. Her heels clicked on the floor, my shoes just squeaked as I dragged them.We left the main school building, and headed across the back playground. We walked past the media block, until we reached Student Support, which was right at the back of school.It looked like a tiny prison.The windows were barred and the door had a huge lock on the outside. I followed her inside. I was a little shocked, I had never been in here before.There were rows of desks, which were each serperated from eachother by screnes.A guy with shaggy, greasy hair stook his head out and started cheering when he saw me.A few other kids started joining in. Then I saw Amber, she was sat on the opposite side of the room. She stook her head out, and glared at me, her eyes ablaze. I quickly sank down in the broken seat, and closed my eyes. Mr Bingly, the Support Manager handed me some work, a pen, a pencil and a ruler. Then he set the screnes around me.I felt looked at the work.But I couldn't concentrate on the words infront of me. They all danced and jumped around on the screne. I rested my had on my desk for a while.I could have drifted to sleep, I mean, it was so quiet in here. I think I actually would have, but I felt my phone buzz softly in my pocket.ONE NEW MESSAGE : KURT I smiled to myself. Then opened the message.Lmao Nik! A frend sent me a vid of ur fite + u owned!Oh nd did u kno?I luv u ;]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was a little mad at first, Kurt really shouldn't be proud of me for fighting. And how did the video even reach Kurt's school?!But then I read the end of the text, and felt my heart melt a little inside. Kurt really did care about me.Which was why me and Justin could never be together. I stuffed my phone up my top, I mean where else could I hide it? Mr Bingly had risen from his desk at the front, and I could see him over the top of my screen. He was checking what work people had done.And I hadn'd done any.Quickly, I grabbed the pen and started scribbling down. Luckily the work was easy, well for me anyway, so by the time he reached my desk I had a decent amount of work done.He just looked down his nose at me, then carried on walking around. I grabbed my phone, but then put it away again. I really didn't know what I wanted to say to Kurt.So I did my work instead.Thinking of two guys all the time.The day dragged on, and on, and on. I wasn't even allowed out for lunch. Which was stupid, I mean, I'm not exactly a threat to all the other students. Mr Bingly handed each of us a sandwich (which was pretty much inedible, the bread looked stale and I couldn't even tell what the filling was) and a drink of water.I took a bit of the sandwich, and was nearly sick."Oi, blondey, you not eating that?" Someone called at me.It was the greasy haired st0nerr, who had cheered for me earlier. I took a look at the sandwich, then threw it over to him.We were allowed the screens to be removed, if you were wondering.I could see Amber, giving me daggers, from across the room. Because for once, all the attention wasn't on her. At then end of the school day, we had to wait until all the other kids had left, before they let us go. I grabbed my bag, and left as quick as I could, I really didn't want to have to be any where near Amber.I almost ran to the school gates, but I didn't, because I'm cool now. "Hey, Nikki." Said his voice.The guy I really didn't want to be near.Because when I was, I wanted him. I wanted him more than my own boyfriend.Which wasn't healthy for me."Hi Justin, I'm guessing your waiting for Amber." I said, smiling at him."Yeah, I need to clear some things up with her." He said, running a hand through his hair."Well, I should go, being near Amber isn't such a good plan." I said, looking up at him."Bye." He said, smiling at me.I could have fainted on the spot. But I didn't.Instead I turned around, and walked the way back homeOnce I turned down my street, I started panicing. How much trouble was I going to be in? I took a few deep breaths, then opened my front door.My mom was stood in the hallway, her arm's folded across her chest."Well, Nicole, would you like to explain something to me."I sighed and followed her into the living room.After about an hour of lecturing, my mom let me go. She was angry at me, but understood how I was feeling. I had told her about being bullied and that I was just sticking up for myself. Of course my mom was mad, but she didn't ground me or anything.I went up to my room, and got changed. I was going to head to the park, and see if Kurt was there.But I wasn't sure if I wanted him to be. Just turn back.That's what I was telling myself, but that wasn't what I was doing. I was still walking. Still walking towards the person who had just walked through the park gates.I started walking quicker, I couldn't help myself. He was like a magnet.A blue eyed angel magnet." Hey Justin." I said, smiling at him.He turned around and smiled back."Hi, are you following me?" He asked, with a laugh."Yeah, course I am." I said, giggling.We walked into the park together, talking and laughing. We walked around the edge of the park, closer to the trees around it.We spoke for ages, but then he had to bring up something awkward. Nik, I'm sorry for what I said earlier, you know that whole Kurt break up thing. That was pretty, uhhh...." He said, appologizing for what he had said earlier, but I cut him off."Stupid?" I said, looking at him."Yeah, stupid." He said, smiling. "Because I'm with Amber and your with Kurt." I nodded, smiling at him."And that's the way it should be, right?" I asked, shyly.I was hoping for an answer like "Yes, that's how it should be."But I didn't get one.Justin was staring forward, his eyes wide and fixed on something behind a tree. His jaw was dropped.I followed his gaze, and a hand rushed to face.I couldn't believe what I was seeing.Justin, let's just go." I said, grabbing his arm.He shook it off, his eyes still wide. He took a few steps closer, dragging me along with him. They hadn'd seen us yet, but we could see them. And I felt sick when I saw Brandon.Okay, so he had been texting someone.But I didn't think it could be......"Amber what the fxxx is this?!" Justin shouted. I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back.Amber jumped away from Brandon, and looked over. A soon as she saw Justin, her eyes widened."J-Justin, this isn't...." She said, stuttering.Brandon walked out from behind the tree, straightening out his shirt, and smoothing down his hair.Where Amber's finger's had been a minuted ago.Amber wiped her smeared lipgloss off her face, then started running towards Justin. stood still, as if I was glued to the ground. Amber was still sobbing, but I couldn't care less about her.Brandon on the other hand......."Brandon, how long had this been going on?" I asked him, my vouce full of disgust.He looked at me, his eyes were sad."About a day after I moved in with you." He said, flatly.I shook my head, glaring at Amber, who was now on the floor sobbing.Talk about drama queen....."But it's not going on any more." Brandon said, "You told me you were single, you slag." He looked at me, as if to say sorry. Then he walked off. Probably going home."You make me sick." I shouted at Amber.Then I ran off across the field, to find Justin. I found him sitting under the tree. The tree from my dream, the tree that had witnessed so much drama.But enough about the stupid tree.Justin was sat under it's shade, with his head in his hands. I walked towards him, quietly. After all, I didn't want to disturb him.Then I stepped on a twig.He looked up at me, his ocean eyes full of sadness."Hey." He said, but his voice sort of broke. He was trying not to cry."I'm so sorry." I said, sitting next to him."It's not your fault, it's Amber's." He said, spitting her name.I sat with him for a while, comforting him.He moaned on about how he thought they were perfect together, how he had loved her and how he though she loved him back.We must have been sat there for some time, because the skies above us were getting dark. "Justin, I would love to stay here with you, but I have to go." I said, looking at the sky.I got up to leave.And just like I had hoped, he got up as well."Do you mind if I walk with you?" He asked, his eyes still sad."Sure, come with me." I said, smiling at him.The two of us walked out of the park together, and headed back towards our houses.We walked past a row of shops, and as I got the smell of a Chinese Takeaway, I felt my stomach grummble."Your hungry?" Justin laughed, hearing my stomach.I laughed too, then nodded.Justin took my hand, and led me into the takeaway.We ordered our food, then Justin paid, then we walked down the street again.I had never eaten takeout in the street before.But it was really fun.Maybe because I was with Justin...We reached my street, and Justin stopped walking."I guess I'll see you at school then." Justin said, smiling at me."Yeah...." I started, but then I had an amazing idea, and idea the could bring me and Justin closer.Which (theres no point denying it any more) was what I wanted. "Come with me."I didn't give him time to respond, I just grabbed his arm and lead him down my street. My front door was locked when we got there, so we had to wait for someone to unlock it..Someone which just had to be Brandon.Brandon glared at Justin, and Justin glared back."Move Brandon." I said, glaring at him, as I pushed past. Justin followed me inside.Rachel was on the sofa, and she winked at me when she saw who I was with."Just hold on a minute." I said, heading to the kitchen, where my mom was."Oh there you are!" My mom said, hugging me."Hi mom." I said, hugging her back "Ummm, do you mind if I sleep at dad's tongiht?"She looked at me, a little concerned."Are you sure?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.Please mom, just for one night?" I begged, giving her the puppy eyes."Fine, but remember about school, and don't stay up to late." She said, looking a little confused."Thanks mom." I smiled, hugging her again.After that I raced up the stairs, to pack some things. I grabbed a duffle bag, and stuffed it with my uniform for tomorrow, my pyjamas, my toothbrush and everything else that I needed for tongiht and tomorrow.I walked back down the stairs, my bad on my shoulder."Where are you going?" Rachel asked, but she didn't take her eyes off Justin.He was totally gorgeous, even my super perfect cousin had fallen for him.But Justin realised. His face lit up, and he got up off the sofa.I said bye to my mom and Rachel, muttered something at Brandon, then me and Justin left.I quickly carried on walking, pushing any thought about how nice it would be to kiss him out of my head.The journey to my dad's (and Sarah's) took about half an hour. The whole time we were talking, and I was trying to keep from reaching out and grabbing his hand.Once we got there, the door was unlocked, so we walked straight in. I remembered where the living room was, from my last visit. My dad was in there, watching some golf competition on the T.V."Hey dad!" I called, running over to him. He got up off the sofa, and hugged me."Nik, what on earth are you doing here?" He asked, into my hair."Is it okay is I stay the night?" I asked, hugging him back."Of course it is, angel!" He said, sounding so full of joy, that he could explode.Justin showed me the guest room, where I dumped my bag. Then we went back down stairs.It turned out that Sarah was away this evening. She was at her friend's hen night, or something like that. My dad stayed in the living room, watching the golf with us for a while. But at around 11 he went up stairs to go to bed."Night you two, remember not to late." He said smiling. He kissed me good night, which almost made me cry. my dad hadn't kissed me good night for what seemed like ever.And after that he was gone.Leaving me and Justin alone.We flicked through the channels, but neither of us was really watching any thing. I was sat on the sofa next to him, and before I knew it, I was inching closer.

I was the school geek now its total Hot Stuff?!!??!.. NO WAY!!♥♥Where stories live. Discover now