Hannah Robidoux

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It's a partly cloudy autumn day. She flops lazily onto her soft white bed after cleaning up her room. Incense is burning on her wardrobe and she watches as the smoke curls over itself and disappears into the air. The screen on her phone lights up, and she smiles when she sees that her boyfriend is trying to call her. She picks up and excitedly tells him how bored she was, and how nice it is to hear his voice among the silence sitting in her house. Her little black cat pushes the door open and hops up on the bed next to her. He rubs his head onto her freckled cheek and she gives him little kisses behind his furry ear.  Her boyfriend asks if he can come over and she says yes, says he'll be there in 15, and they hang up. She laughs a little to herself as she lights the candles in her room, excited that the love of her life is going to be right there so soon. She plays with her cat until she hears a knock at the door. "He's here!" She says to her kitty and he tilts his head at her, his tail moving from side to side. She goes to open the door and there he is, her sandy haired boy with a smile as bright as the full moon. He wraps her up in his arms just as the chill from outside touches her face. Soft acoustic music plays softly in the background as she rests her head on his chest. His heart feels warm and the sound comforts her. She closes her eyes and sighs. This is all she loves. This is all she needs.

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