By The Moonlight

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   Most of the team was sleeping by now, the exceptions being Pippin, Emmy, Sirius, and Castiel. Emmy was reading Shakespeare's Hamlet for the umpteenth time while Sirius sat across from her, pouring over old documents and Vela's Grimore. Pippin was standing in the doorway, Castiel watching her from his position on Bobby's couch.

" Carpe noctem." Sirius muttered to herself as her violet eyes moved from left to right, muttering more of the sentence under her breath. Emmy looked up in a mix of confusion and curiosity as she temporarily abandoned her book, having read it enough that she knew what was going to happen next. She raised an eyebrow at the resident Witch when she looked up at Emmy and Sirius blushed slightly as she fixed her glasses.

" means to seize the night essentially." She answered the unspoken question.

"Ah." Emmy said before turning back to her book, back to ignoring the existence of Sirius again. Pippin shook her head in disappointment before she got lost in her thoughts once more. She had been doing that a lot recently, having the copious amounts of time to herself to mull things over and contemplate her situation with Vela and Castiel. She smiled slightly at the thought of the Angel, reminiscing about the past.

"Dean!" The voice cried out in horror and Pippin snapped out of her daze, her head whipping around as she looked for the source of the voice. She paled slightly, realizing that no one had said anything and she immediately located the closest chair and collapsed in it.

"He can't help you anymore pretty thing." The demon growled as he languidly licked the blood trickling down her throat. Pippin shivered in fear and disgust as she felt the phantom tongue tracing her throat and her hands involuntarily snapped up to touch her neck. Cas watched from a distance as Pippin slowly lost her grip on reality. His gaze followed her as she took a seat before she unexpectedly let out an audible gasp while her hands flew to grip her neck. He stood up in worry as Emmy and Sirius looked up from what they had been doing at the noise Pip had made. Emmy recognized the signs of what was happening and she suddenly jumped up and rushed over to Pippin while the hunter started to blindly lash out at Castiel. He wasted no time in grabbing her wrists and pulling her hands away from her neck so she couldn't further damage it beyond the red scratch marks running down it.

"Get off me! Leave me alone!" Pippin screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks, as she pulled her arm out from the demon's grip, stabbing him in the chest twice before she tucked her feet underneath him and kicked him off of her and into the Devil's Trap.
Castiel groaned as he stood back up, not expecting her to kick him across the room like she had while Emmy tried to snap the hunter out of her trance like state. He was clueless as to what was happening to her and he nervously stood off to the side as Sirius and Em tried to bring their Pippin back to reality. It was when Pippin shouted loudly at Emmy that suddenly had him scared for the other woman's safety.

"Satis!" She yelled in Latin suddenly and Emmy froze as Pip rose a hand, palm facing her, in a defensive position she recognized. Sirius flung herself backwards in terror and quickly scrambled backwards, further confusing Emmy. What about that had the Witch and oldest friend of Pippin so scared? As she turned her head back to face Pippin she got her answer.

"Te abdico evita!" She ordered darkly, her face a blanket of cold, remorseless, anger. She simply raised her hand as a familiar bright light started to erupt from her palm. Castiel saw it moments before it happened and he quickly grabbed Emmy, hooking his arms under her armpits, and dragged her backwards away from Pippin's hand, one hand slamming firmly across her eyes so she couldn't see what was going on. Sirius copied the action, raising her arm to hid her face in the crook of her arm. Castiel, being an Angel of the Lord, didn't need to look away from the bright light and he merely watched as Pippin slowly lowered her shaking arm. Once he was certain it was safe he slowly lowered his hand from Emmy's eyes and she shoved herself away from him.

"What the bloody Hell was that!?" She demanded as Sirius uncurled and stood up. Cas elected to ignore Emmy's outcry of rage in favor of approaching Pippin, who's head was hidden in her giant, ugly, Christmas sweater she wore. The collar was pulled up over her head and her knees were pulled up under the rest of the sweater. He cautiously knelt down in front of her and coaxed her out of her turtle position on the chair.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," She whimpered out and Castiel's heart felt like it was being crushed in guilt.

"Pippin. Page, ag oi injured." Castiel whispered to the shaking woman in Enochian as Emmy raged in the background. Pippin's eyes peered out from the hair covering her face. He leaned over and enveloped her in a hug, rocking back and forth minutely. Sirius stopped Emmy's rant before quietly pointing to Cas and Pippin. Emmy looked over and sighed heavily before turning and walking into the kitchen with Sirius. The kitchen seemed to be the place for secretive talks lately and this would be no exception.

"I didn't want to say anything's clear the marks are starting to take affect on you both. You with your sudden and irrational outbursts of anger. Pippin with these disassociation's and flashbacks." Sirius explained seriously as she turned around to face the youngest hunter.

"It's only going to get worse from here. It's gonna ravage you both until you go crazy and Pippin dies." She warned and Emmy's mind stalled for a moment before she was forced sat down in the closest chair.

"Jesus Christ." Emmy breathed in disbelief before both women jumped at the sound of a cough. They turned towards the fridge to find Gabriel leaning against it before he pushed off of it and sauntered towards the two.

"Not quite Em." He said before turning to Sirius with the most dead serious face they had ever seen him wear.

"How long have you known?" He asked dangerously, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Sirius stood up straight to her fullest height which, compared to Gabriel rising to his full height as well, wasn't much taller in comparison.

"I found the curses in Vela's Grimore Gabriel. It wasn't hard to figure out what was going on from there." She ground out from behind clenched teeth before continuing reluctantly.

"To get Emmy's curse off she, personally, has to kill Vela."  

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