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When reading this you are only going to hyperventilate if you are a TRUE HP fan. So tell me in the comments if you do 😁

It may seem crazy but there is a good possibility that they are siblings.
They both have the same bleach blond hair, and you may be thinking, how would they be related? Welp here's your answer.

Xenophlius lovegood never specified what happened to Luna's mother, sooooo maybe Xenophilius has an affair with Narssisa!!! But would make sense though right?
In the series there is no explanation to any of Luna's lovegoods family, except her immediateParents.

They may not seem the same in actions and personality but after all Xenophilius has been teaching Luna the way of the lovegoods! Maybe just to avoid the fact that they are related, he could have changed everything to hide the ugly fact they are related. There are many other possibilities on how they could be related, but I like the affair one, so that's the one ima go with. Narssisa is an odd Malfoy, but I guess they are all pretty odd.

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