chapter one

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Peter's pov:
I dashed out of the school. Finally the waste of time is over!
"Wait up pete!"
I heard someone call.
"Ned?" I asked stopping my run.
" remember were gonna build the Lego death star!" He said the last part in a deep voice.
"What?! How many pieces!?"
"3,098!" Ned cheered.
"That's insane! Were definitely doing that when I come back from patrol."

Ned was the only person who knew my identity as spiderman. Hes my guy in the chair.

I started running again when I got a text from may.

Mayday(auntmay): remember to get the food before you get home! Love you!:)

I texted a quick 'ok' and started to run the other way to the shawarma store cuz why not.

I walked in and saw a group of people concealing themselves at a large table eating.
" parker!" I heard a russion voice echo making everyone silent."My favorite customer!"
"Hey!" I smiled. "Can I get the usual?"
"Comeing right up!" He said. He turned to his employee and said in Russion. "His aunt is a beatiful American woman!"
A few people of the group looked intrigued and I chuckled lightly with a sweet smile.
"(Hows your daughter? Your wife said she got into a new school.)" I said in russion back.

Tony's pov: me nat Bruce clint and rhodey decided to go out to get shawarma today cuz why not. We dressed up so no one will notice us. We ate and chat for a bit when a teen with brown hair walked in.
" parker!" The russion accent of the cashier rang. "My favorite customer!"
"H-hey! Can I get the usual please?" The boy asked.
"Of course!" He said turning to another employee saying, "parkers aunt is a beatiful American woman!" In russion.
Clint looked at me confused.
"What he say?"
"He said the kids aunt was a beatiful." Nat answered carelessly.
I didn't really care either until I saw the brunette give a sweet smile and chuckled and said something that made all of our eyes widen, " how's your daughter?" He said in Russion.

I like this kid.

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