Chapter one

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        We stand in kings cross at platform nine and three-quarters next to the Hogwarts express. I look at the magnificent long red train, imagining my upcoming year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I look back to see my cousin and friend James Potter coming my way. I quickly turn and hug my mother than board the Hogwarts express. James appears about five minutes later and I can tell that he is also ecstatic to be returning to Hogwarts again. The train whistle blows signaling that we will be departing soon. Albus soon appears and I can tell that he's nervous about his first year at Hogwarts. I still remember my first year, being so nervous about being in Slytherin that I almost threw up when I put the sorting hat on. The train whistle blew as a final call, and we started departing. We all gathered around the window and waved farewell to our family, eager to arrive Hogwarts although upset to leave home.

        James, Albus and I watch the scenery pass the first few minutes on the train, waiting for the food trolley to come around. When it finally comes, we jerk our heads away from the window and turn to the trolley. I get some Chocolate Frogs and Burts Every Flavored Beans, while James gets some of Droobles Best Blowing Gum, and Albus gets Cauldron Cakes and Pumpkin Pasties. I cringe as I try the first bean. "Whats wrong?" Albus asks. "Booger flavored Burts Every Flavored Beans" I reply". James tries to hide a laugh but does it unsuccessfully. I knudge him with my elbow, but he only laughs harder. The laughter dies down soon and I notice Albus is asleep. He must have been up late last night, either packing, or nervous,or both. Feeling fatiuged myself, i listened to the pitter patter of the tracks and slowly drifted to sleep.

        I woke up an hour later to see James sitting across from me reading a book, which I thought may have been A History of Hogwarts. "Good morning" said James "Took you long enough to wake up. Were arriving at Hogwarts in about fifteen minutes. better change into your robes." I sat up and started rubbing the kink out of my neck. I look over at Albert, and notice he's nervously tapping his foot. James must have noticed to, because he placed a hand on his knee to make the tapping stop.They were  already in there robes. Realizing they'd be arriving soon, I quickly changed into her robes. 

        The train pulled in to the station by the lake with a screech. We all departed and boarded into the row boat. We waved bye to Albus and wished him luck. We hoped he would be in Gryffindor because that's the house James and I were in. I know James might not have wanted him to be, considering the sibling rivalry, but I liked Albus. I didn't have a crush on him or anything but he's different than James. Don't get me wrong, James is amazing, but he's a more arrogent sometimes , where as Albert's a bit quieter and calmer. There almost total opposites, except they both have a daring side (not to mention there great procrastinators). I believe it's a miracle that we all get along. While I was spacing out thinking about the houses and James and Albus, I hadn't noticed that James was talking to me.

"... Don't you think"



        About five minutes later, I could see the grand stairs in front of me. Suddenly, all the second years and James and I found ourselves running up the grand stairs as fast as our legs could carry us.  We stopped when we reached the top of the stairs, panting and gasping for air. They were then greeted by professer Mcgonagal and lead to the grand hall. There we took our seats at the Gryffindor table and watched as the first years all stumbled in. They were obviously nervous, but at the same time amazed at what they saw. Professer gave her speech and the sorting hat sang its song, then it was time for the first years to be sorted. I looked over to James who, suprisingly, looked anxious for his brother. They went through the names,  Benjamin Abbey, Ellie Darnell, George Hammitt, etc. Finally professer called out James Potter.

        Albus slowly departs from the line and some how manages to get himself on to the stool. He gently places the sorting hat on his head, and looks uneasy. Too soon, the sorting hat starts its speech. 'Albus Serverus Potter, son of the chosen one, like his father does not want to be placed in Slytherin, but in Gryffindor. However I'm not sure you would fit there. Yes you may be courageous and daring, you are also shy and outspoken. Intellegient, qualities to fit into Ravenclaw but possibly to rambunctious. Too daring to fit into Hufflepuff, and not cocky enough to fit into Slytherin. So I shall place you into your house but over time you shall figure out if you truly belong there. Now where to place you, hmm. GRYFFINDOR' shouted the sorting hat. Albus had an amused grin on his face but his eyes were filled with fear. Probably because of what the sorting hat had said. Evermore he walked over to the Gryffindor table without tripping or stumbling and almost collapsed on the bench next to us. I congratulated him and James patted him on the back. The ceremony went on and I turned around to see that Scorpius Malfoy had been placed in Slytherin. Just like his father.

        I would suppose we could be enemies, considering his father Draco was an enemy of my father and he had called my mother a mudblood, but he didn't look as menacing as his father did. I remember seeing them at Kings Cross and wondering how they could be related. The line quickly flew through, and I notice Professer Mcgonagall making her way to the podium. The room hushed in less than three seconds and Professer pulled out a slip of paper, "Welcome students, to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry" read Professer Mcgonagall, there were a few shouts and whoops among the applauding audience, untill she raised her hands and the room immediatley hushed again."This year shall be another great year and I expect great behavior from each and everyone." her eyes scanned the croud, as if looking for some one, she looked down at her paper one more time and finished her speech with, " But enough with that, lets eat!" we all looked at the platters and our glasses infront of us to see them filling with food and pumpkin juice. James and Albus merrily dived in, taking everything they could see, but i just chose out a few things to start with and dug in.

         We all filtered out of the grand hall up to the Gryffindor house where prefect Fred Weasley the second walked up to the fat lady and said the password: the hogs head. We all couldn't believe that he became a prefect, he couldn't believe it either. He didn't want to be a prefect but he saw the advantages. Fred is a prankster like his father, he only accepted the prefect offer because he then could only get punished by the professers and not have to work about the prefects.The painting opened up to show the gryffindor common room. Everyone filed in and went around the fire. I caught up with Lilly Longbottom for a few minutes, then headed up to the girls dormitories. I changed into pj's and crawled into the four poster bed I would come to know in the next year. I quickly fell asleep, for I knew that a good nights would be necessary for tommorrows long first day of classes.

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