The Beginig

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591 words

Beep. Beep. Beep. Crunch.

" Hon you need to get up that's the fifth alarm you've broken this week alone." My mother called.

Me being me I decided to snarkily reply," Yeah and that's the fifth pancake you've burned this morning."

"Fine be late to your first day at the new school."

"Wait that's today?" I quickly scrambled out of my nest I call a bedroom. After slipping on my 'excuse me while' I yawn shirt and some stretchy jeans, I scramble out and slip on my combat boots. I rush around grabbing my bag and my phone only to flip it into a watch.

Oh right, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Luna Ztar. I was born in 2035, cool year right, anyway I am 15, about 5'6", and I have brown hair with purple eyes. Where am I going you ask? Since I turned fifteen last month I get to go to Ineffable Academy. It is an academy for mutants.

I was mutated when I was 10, everyone is but only a few ends up expressing the gene. I did though, and I got the power to manipulate all forms of energy. Okay now back to the story. I scooped up one of the charred pancakes and marched out the door.

"Okay and now for my skateboard," I mumbled only to myself. I raised my hands slowly, pulling the energy from the movements of the wind. As it slowed I felt for my skateboard in the garage and wrapped it in the energy. I quickly pull the mass toward me. When I open my eyes the skateboard is there teetering and wheels still spinning. Once they stopped revolving, I pull out and clip on my helmet.

On the skate to school, I think over why my mom wouldn't let me take the car, I mean I wouldn't even be the one driving it. We have the AI for a reason. I soon reached the Academy and walked near the door.

A robot wheeled out and spoke, "Welcome to Ineffable Academy for gifted teens, I am your personal Lola how may I be of service?"

"Aww, how cute" a man chuckled behind me. I picked up my skateboard and whizzed around to glare at him. He was tall, had dark hair and was strongly built.

With my skateboard pointed at him I stated in no way nicely, "I was here first" Another Lola bot rolled close to us and repeated the exact speech I had just heard moments before.

"Well looks like we both get one" He approvingly spoke and picked up the small robot.

"I need to get past you" I responded. He was blocking the door, what else should I do?

"Well, I'm' sorry your highness" He sarcastically replied with a bow. I briskly walked past him plucking up my Lola as I went.

As I entered the door you could hear my name and information resounding through the hallway, "Luna Ztar: First-year, age 15"

"A first-year, really with that attitude, I'd think you were at least a second year." The boy snarkily declared from outside. He stepped through the door,

"Jadus Dargon: Second-Year, age 16" The door sidetracked.

"See you, Princess" He called from the end of the hall. How he got there so quickly I have no clue. With a mock salute he suddenly zipped away at an incredibly fast speed. Well, that answers that then.

"Okay, Lola where is my first class?"I questioned. She happily responded. And we continued on our way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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