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"You- you're nothing but a monster! Taking the lives of so many innocent people and for what purpose?! You need to be purged, and it's my job as a pro to take you down, Madness Villain, Achyls, for the crimes you've committed, this is the end of the line for you!"

The girl clad in black had a devilish grin plastered to her face, a chuckle escaped her lips, ever so menacingly.

"Wh- why are you laughing, heathen?"

She reached her hand out in front of her, "You're quite the comedian, Mr "Pro Hero". Have you ever thought that you may be in the wrong profession? With cheesy lines like that? Did you really think you could scare me? What a joke." The space between her hand began to glow, almost as if she had been summoning some kind of distraction.

The pro hero gritted his teeth and, balling his fists. It had been easy for her to provoke the ones that weren't designed for this field, the freshly made pro heroes. It had been her mission after all to rid the ones with weak spirits.

In the blink of an eye, a large scythe replaced the light between her hand. Her movements had been so quick that the pro hadn't even noticed the blade of the scythe at his neck while she stood behind him with her glowing red eyes.

"H- how did you? Wh-when did you?!" He began to question. Nothing made sense in his mind anymore, a villain this young had so much velocity to her step?

"Sorry, Mr Pro." She spoke lowly into his ear, "This is your last mission as a fake hero." She smirked before pulling her scythe away from the man's neck ever so slowly, building up tension. Just as she was about to strike, the man spoke one last sentence,

"Backup will be here, my death will be avenged." She gritted her teeth and without any hesitation, she swung her scythe, tearing the hero's head off his shoulders.

She lowered her scythe to the ground, the metal scrapping across the cement had been the only sound she had heard for miles, until suddenly she heard a clap, an applause from the shadows.

"Hey kid, you put on a good show." A voice spoke, it sounded coarse, rough. Almost as if their throat had been so dry that speaking was enough to strain their vocal cords.

"Who are you?" She spoke, her voice emotionless. Her once bright red eyes had lost the glow, the spark that had illuminated her irises, leaving a duller shade of red in its place. Her eyes searched the darkness for any indication of another presence, the silhouette of a man's body lingering within the shadows.

The man reached his hand out to the girl, "How would you like to join my organization?"

Upon hearing the words spoken from the man, the girl smirked, "Sign me up."

She tapped her foot against the wooden floor of the abandoned bar. A meeting had been called, but for what, she couldn't really say.

After joining the organization for villains three years ago, she learned what it really meant to be a villain. Though the ideals of her adoptive father were questionable, she would always do as she was told. She carried out missions without fail. Other members had been jealous of her praise, but never once tried to fight with the girl, her abilities were unremarkable.

She propped her head up on the counter with her hand, the look in her eyes expressing complete and utter boredom for what her boss had to say.

"Dahlia." A voice called out to her, awakening her from her trance. Her eyes fluttered up to the man in front of her, she'd recognize that voice anywhere,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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