I sigh as I throw a ton of clothes in a bag. Damn packing for Vidcon is hard.
I decide on bringing a bunch of tank tops and shorts. I'm super excited even though my mom had to break it to me that I was going alone. Well I am 16, I suppose it doesn't matter.
I quickly throw on some black leggings, a black crop top and I red shirt tied at my waist. I stick on my red converse and trail my suitcase down the stairs as out the door, my dad following.
The drive to the airport was really short so i got the 30 minutes early. I say my goodbyes and roll my suitcase into the airport stopping off at a small Starbucks.
"One Mango and Passion fruit juice blend" I say. I make my way to the waiting bar and decide on a bagel aswell, after all I didn't have breakfast. The lady gave me a weird look as I took my drink but I brushed it off.
I head to security and before you know it I'm stepping on the plane. I decide to sit next to a brown headed girl with blonde ends.
"Hi I'm Zoe!" She says "Lydia" I answer and pull out my laptop and headphones. I scroll through tumblr and twitter before falling asleep.
I wake to someone shaking me, I rub my eyes and look up to find Zoe shaking my shoulder.
"Plane lands in ten minutes" she says softly, her British accent making her voice even softer. I nod okay and pull my phone out of my carry on, I have 3 texts.
Momma bear: How'd the plane ride go? Be safe and have fun in LA!
Daddy: Be careful sweet heart, have fun x
The other one was just from my phone company, telling me my "balance".
I quickly type in a response for both my parents and put my phone back in my bag.
"Thank you for flying with American air lines have a safe journey"
Me and Zoe stay in our seats as everyone pushes out of the plane, "so, where are you heading to?" Zoe asks me.
"Vidcon" I reply, her face instantly becomes more awake than it was before.
"Oh my god! I'm also heading there! your a youtuber?" She asks me all In a rush
"No I'm just meeting my idols, Our2ndLife" I reply, it was obvious that she was a YouTuber.
"Cool!" she replys and stands, I stand too and grab my bags from the shelf above.
We make our way to bag collection (is that what you call it in America?)
I look out and almost immediately my neon coloured suitcase comes wheeling around. I grab it quickly and walk away, leaving Zoe to wait on her case.
I walk on further stopping for yet another Starbucks and see a sign with the name "Nicholson" printed on, my private cab.