Dive Daley <3 - Just A Tom Daley Romance

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First Time I Am Challenging Myself To Write A Complete Fanfic <3 Hope You Enjoy :3



"Dive Sara! Just let yourself fall, trust me it won't hurt you!" said Toni, my trusted best friend and wing-girl.

"Suuuree... Dive, 10 Metres, Belly flop or just bang my head on the platform? not a chance!" i just retorted slyly.

"You can't pull this off forever you know? i know you're scared but a 5 Metre diver won't be any good on the Olympic squad!!!" simply exclaimed Toni.

"Sure I can!" i said now gaining more confidence. "I'll just do the dive horribly when coach picks out the teams that go through i won't be picked, i will happily quit and you will beat the Chinese and get an Olympic medal! Easy as pie!" i now said grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"You really do make me laugh shazzabear! but we both know that's not the case here babe! you will ace that 4 front and a half" she reassured me.

I mounted the 10 metre platform just in time as coach walked in, he looked at me both worried and surprised at the fact that i was giving the 10 metre another attempt. I knew this was what i wanted, or so i thought, the pressure was getting to me, but that's nothing i couldn't deal with knowing the support i had from friends and family.

Legs Straight - Check

Confident Smile - Check

Routine Evaluated - Check

I Shot the public a quick smile as i leaped off the platform gracefully turning backwards, then i suddenly felt a short sharp pang of pain go through my head, next thing i knew i fell flat on my back and i was floating in a small pool of my own blood, in an instant i felt like i was drowning and all i could hear was whistles, bells, and a chorus of panic. i really should stop my predictions.

*End Of Flashback/Dream*


"Shazz! Wake up you smelly lazy shit! Jessie wants you early down at the track!" yelled Jemma who was now my best friend for a good 3 years, since i ran away from home.

"WHATEVER LOSER! YOUR JUST JELL YOU'RE NOT AS REEM AS ME!" i bellowed downstairs smiling to myself whilst stretching to get me awake

"Sure.. whatever you say! Now hurry up, i don't exactly want the blame for you being late. AGAIN" she scoffed just as sarcastically as ever.

As i went into my en-suite, thoughts about my dream haunted me like my past. I left everything and everyone i had, i ran away from my pain, and i ran away from my shame. I never knew how to embrace those things, and i made myself out to be a pathetic coward internationally. All because of one accident i lost all confidence in myself, and i never stepped on a diving board again.

"You almost done?" A sharp chirpy voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeahh just hurrying now!" i now managed to reply completely shaken by my thoughts.

As i Lay in my hot bath i started thinking again, i was on a very successful track team now, and not to mention that i held a regional record for 100m hurdles, i finally found something that i loved as much as diving. And one other thing, the thing that kept me diving daily (A/N see what i did there ^^)

Tom Daley...

When I Fled away i never thought about the fact that i was leaving my family, my bestfriends and the guy that i was crushing on from a distance behind.

I got out of the bath, just trailing my thoughts behind as i dried off and got dressed. i put on my best smile and went downstairs. i wouldn't want to worry Jessie! After all that i owe her i don't want to make her think i'm unhappy or worse unhappy.

"Nugget! want me to drive you to the track today? i have time before work!" i turned around spontaneously to see a happy Jessie swinging her car keys on her finger.

"Sure!" i winked. "Since you are being sooooo generous!" i just laughed running out the door, awaiting the footsteps that i knew would follow me out the house at any moment.


Sooo?! How Was it :3

WOW, well i'm tired it's half past midnight in the UK! :L and i am in the middle of re-writing chapter 2 which will actually include more about tom, the accident etc. etc. and some main drama!

Pleease comment :) i just want some constructive crticism! and if you like this story than please do take 30 seconds to like and vote. it really does mean a lot to me! honestly <3

Love You All

ShazzaBear ;) <3 x

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