Right Track

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After Jack changed to his BDUs, he left his tent and walked to the middle of SG-1's camp where the campfire was located. It was a relatively small campsite with only 3 small tents (that housed Teal’c and Jonas, Sam and Jack) and two bigger ones that had some weaponry, research equipment and food. It was located in a big round clearing, just outside the track that they suspected led to the Ancient Outpost, as it was indicated (not specifically) on the ruins of Vis Uban.

The entrance of the clearance was squeezed between two small automated vehicles that could transport two people each one while the campfire was located right in front of them, in the middle of the glade. The bigger tents were in the farthest corner of the opening while the small tents were scrambled around, depending on where the “owners” wanted them.

The day was cold, as the previous one, but it was a little more comfy. Jack doesn't know if it's because it's hotter or if it's because he's getting a little more accustomed to the environment but he doesn't really care much.

SG-23 was already researching the planet before the discovery of the inscriptions in Vis Uban because of the existence of vast and dense naquadah deposits. Turns out that this planet was home to one of the biggest Ancient Outposts in the galaxy but SG-23 didn't really had a clue as the ruins of the city are 30 miles away from the Stargate. With the discovery of the location of the city, thanks to the help of an UAV, SG-1 replaced SG-23…

"Hello, O'Neill. Did you sleep well in the past night?" said Teal'c while eating some Ben 'N' Jerry's ice cream that Jonas brought. Damn, they could well be in Antarctica and those two would eat ice cream never less. Jack laughed when he remembered those two in the frozen supplies compartment of the Prometheus while eating ice cream.

"What is the reason for such joy?"

"Oh, nothing… Just remembering ol' good times, that’s it." Jack sat down in the grass and flinched when his butt touched the ground. “Ouch, it’s cold!”

"You still did not answer my first question, O'Neill."

"Oh, sorry… Yes, I did sleep well, thanks T.” - Jack lied through his teeth, as it could be seen in his brown, coffee eyes, but Teal’c said no more.

“You’re welcome.” Teal’c resumed eating his ice cream.

“I’m surprised you didn’t bring donuts.” - Jack joked while he scrambled around T’s bag to find something to eat.

“For a matter of fact, I did. Do you want some?”

Jack laughed with Teal’c’s statement. “Well, sorry to disappoint you but I prefer my classic energy bars. Well, yours!”


While Jack and Teal’c were talking next to the campfire, Jonas waked up and started to change to his BDUs. He missed going around with the rest of SG-1 but what he didn’t really like was the situation that brought him to the team.

Two and a half years ago, he joined SGC because Dr. Jackson died while saving him and the rest of his planet and now he’s back to fight for the galaxy. Unfortunately, he is here just because Dr. Jackson is dead (again). He knows that he would not had step a foot on this planet if Dr. Jackson was alive and, sometimes, that thought hurt.

He liked Dr. Jackson, even if he did just met him a handful times. C’mon, he was basically the only one that Jonas met that had the same enthusiasm and joy about archeology and ancient cultures! He felt some butterflies in his stomach every time he was with him or every time he stared to his deep blue eyes but he just shrugged it off. Just a small crush…

When Jonas was warned about his death, he felt devastated but the thing that made him furious was the fact that his nation and the people that resided in it didn’t care. “He was the fucking savior of their lives, for crying out loud!” Jonas thought (while became a little suspicious that he was getting some of O’Neill’s trademarks). But he should have suspected it a long time ago... He still didn't forget that the government blamed the earthlings for the near destruction of their planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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