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Please read mga teachers . mahalaga to.


● Max Wertheimer - Gestalt Psychology
● Wilhelm Wundt - "Father of Modern Psychology"
● William James - wrote the "Principles of psychology"/ consciousness
● hypothalamus - brain's stress center
● Abraham Maslow - physiological needs; "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" ; safety&security; love & belongingness; self-esteem; self-actualization
● John B. Watson - (behaviorist approach) an American psychologist who established the psychological school of behaviorism.

● Metaphor - is a comparison made b/w things w/c are essentially not alike.
Ex: "Nobody invites Edward to parties because He is a wet blanket"
● Simile - is like a metaphor and often uses the words "like" or "as"
Ex: "Jamie runs as fast as the wind"
● Personification - when something that is not human is given human-like qualities, this is known as personification.
Ex: " The leaves danced in the wind on the cold October afternoon"
● Hyperbole - exaggerating, often in a humorous way to make a particular point is known as hyperbole.
Ex: "My eyes widened at the sight of the mile-high ice cream cones we we're having for dessert"
● Onomatopoeia - when you name an action by imitating the sound associated with it.
Ex: "The bees buzz angrily when their hive is disturbed"
● Idiom - an idiom is an expression used by a particular group of people with a meaning that is only known through common use.
Ex: "I'm just waiting for him to kick the bucket."
● Synecdoche - a synecdoche is a figure of speech using a word/words that are a part to represent a whole.
Ex: referring to credit cards as "plastic" is a synecdoche
● Assonance - when you repeat a vowel sound in a phrase, it is an assonance.
Ex: "It's true, I do like Sue."
● Metonymy - a metonymy is a figure of speech where one thing is replaced w/a word that is closely associated with it such as using "Washington" to refer to the United States

● RA #⃣7836 - Philippine Teacher Professionalization Act of 1994
● RA #⃣7796 - TESDA Act of 1994
● Article XIV 1987 Philippine Constitution (Educ.Sci & Tech,Arts,Culture& Sports) 👉this is the very fundamental legal basis of education in thr philippines.
● Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa 232, Sept 11,1982) 👉an Act providing for the Establishment & Maintenance of an Integrated System of Education
● RA #⃣4670 - Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (June 18,1966)
● RA #⃣6713 - Code of Conduct & Ethical Standards For Public Officials and Employees
● RA #⃣7877 - Anti-sexual Harrassment Act of 1995
● RA #⃣9155 - Decentralization; Legal basis of Shared Governance in Basic Education
● RA #⃣7784 - Establishment of Center of Excellence
● K-12 Curriculum - Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum
● RA #⃣90210 - "An Act to Integrate Information Teachnology into the Public Elementary & Secondary Curricula & Appropriating funds
● RA #⃣10121 - DRMM approval headed by OCO office of Civil defense May 2010
● Folklore - traditionally derived and orally transmitted literature
● Folktales - reflect the people's beliefs handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth
● Epilogue - conclusion or final part of non-dramatic literary work
● Genre - distinctive type of literary composition such as epic, tragedy, comedy & novel
● "Quo Vadis" - means "where are you going"
● hieroglyphics - oldest forn of egyptian writing
● Allegory - narrative whose meaning is beneath the surface
● Elegy - a meditated poem of grief
● Sonnet - verse w/14 iambic pentameter lines
● Epic - long poem w/c depicts the adventure of a great hero who reveals his country's aspirations; narrates heroic deeds and supernatural happenings w/local actor in w/c people sing/chant
● Soliloquy - speech made by a person who reveals his thoughts
● Manuel Arcilla - "How my brother Leon brought home a wife"
● Washington Irving - "The Legend of a Sleepy Hollow"
● Fall of the house of usher - hypochondriac living in morbid fear
● Cyrano de Bergerac - poet & soldier noted for his Peculiar nose
● "The Illiad of Homer" - great epic poem whose plot centers around the anger & wrath of Achilles against agamemnon
● "The Bells" - "If eyes are made for seeing, then beauty is its own excuse for being"
● Cacophony - literary term w/c means harsh & discordant sounds introduced for poetic effect
● George Bernard Shaw - know for his excellence of characterization, swiftness of narrative & clarity of style.
● Edgar Allan Poe - greatest American writer of horror and detective stories
● Rabindranath Tagore - best known for his collection of poems called Gitanjali/song offerings
● Robert Frost - ranked as one of the best modern American poets.
● Geoffrey Chaucer - Morning Star of English Literature
● Mark Twain - "Samuel Clemens"
● Harriet Stowe - "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
● Charles Darwin - Origin of species
● Lazlo Biro - invented the ball point pen
● Harry Potter - epic kind of story

Emulate 〰 imitate
Vouchsafe 〰 grant
Abeyance 〰 suspended
Denigrate 〰 malign
Furtive 〰 sneaky

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