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~Azel's Pov~

"Come little sister." I run to my big sister and smile wide. I love her very much.

I do however stop dead in my tracks. "Wait, we can't go in there." Raziel rolls her eyes at me and holds out her hand. "It will only be a moment. Come little sister."

I hesitate and take her hand as we walk into a room. I feel guilty for walking in here without someone's permission.

"Don't you want to pick a song? A song only we know right now?" I nod and we walk further into the room.

We see a small box and I feel my hands sweat. "Azel, do you trust me?" My sister asks as she looks at me. "Yes, wholeheartedly." She smiles and we walk forward.

This music room was only meant for hearing the talent for the future. Many songs are in that box and Raziel thought it would be good for us to have a song.

So far only Michael has been in this room, other than God.

We stop in front of the box and Raziel reaches for the latch. "Remember, this is our song first." I nod and she opens it.

At first I heard nothing, but then a sweet voice had came on.

I know you, I've walked with you once upon a dream...

I smile as we both listen to the song. "Her voice sounds lovely." I frown and look at my sister. "Don't you mean they?" She shakes her head. "I'm listening to a woman sing. This song sounds a bit dark but it still sounds good."

"But I'm listening to two people sing it. The song doesn't sound dark it sounds very happy and sweet."

We look at each other and then back at the box. "Maybe it's broken." Raziel closes the box and we walk out of the room.

"So that will be our song then?" I nod and feel my shoulder twitch. "Come, you need to get ready for your lessons with Michael."

We run down the hall and I let go of my sisters hand. "Bet my wings grew longer than yours."

"Let's see then little sister." We wait until we get outside and I spread my big white wings proudly. Raziel does the same and we take off in the air.

I flap my big wings and the cloud swirl around me. "Ha! mine are bigger."

"No mine are!" We spread them wide and hold each other's hand as we look. "Looks like we have the same length." Raziel says in disappointment. "But ours are the longest." I say to cheer her up.

"That is true."

"Hey, can I fly with you?" We both look and see a small blue haired boy. "Gabriel you're too little. You're still a cherub."

Raziel never did like sharing me with the other angels. "We can fly later, Gabriel. Promise?" I flutter down and ruffle his hair.

"Okay! Oh and Michael is looking for you." Oh Dear, I look back at my sister and she looks a bit sad.

"Big sister, come watch me." I take off through the sky and feel my sister above me soaring.

We land in front of the training hall and we run inside. "Shh, if we make too much noise we-" I bump right into Axel and he sighs.

"You're late, hurry before someone notices." We nod and scurry inside of the building.

I find Michael pacing in the training room and step inside. I reach down and grab my sword carefully and slowly.

He'll never see me coming.

I lift the sword in the air and swing down on his chest plate but he moves quicker taking me by surprise.

Recovery (A Zayn Malik AU) REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now