Chapter 3: Atlas' Entrance Exam Pt. 1

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/You know originally Yang was the cheater but I changed it to Weiss since she's basically used for the cheater a lot, I know Weiss is too but not as much as Yang. PS your weapon's name is Beatbox and DON'T PLAY THE SONG YET!/


Everyone was called into the giant auditorium for the welcoming speech. Most of the soon-to-be-students looked pretty stuck up like a soldier or had some kind of posh manner to them, they all had a lot of luggage with them telling me they already think they're gonna get in. Flynt went to find his friends so I was left alone but I didn't mind to much. Ironwood then came out in front of a microphone on stage with Winter behind him along with a younger kid with red glasses, looking older than me, and another guy looking very professional standing next to Winter.

Ironwood: "Hello, I know many of you come very places near and far with backgrounds different from the others you are standing next to, but here we are all equal. Doesn't matter where you came from or what you did to get here, the important thing is that you use everything you learned over the years of training and use them to the best of your abilities and help you take the first step, the true first step of becoming a Huntsman or Huntress, don't prove anything to anyone, the only one you have to prove anything to is yourself. Try your best and I know you will succeed."

Good speech, wonder how the one at Beacon went. Winter then came up to the microphone after Ironwood walked off.

Winter: "Initiation will begin tomorrow, until then, girls will be sleeping in the ballroom and boys will sleep in the gymnasium, dismissed cadets."

Everyone was going to their assigned building but as I walked I felt myself get tripped and fell on the ground. I looked up to see a guy in a red coat and scarf up to his nose look at me and walk away. The hell? I took my guitar off my back so I had an easier time getting up but I saw a hand reach out towards me.

???: "You okay?" it was a girl with purple eyes and long black hair, "Looked like it hurt."

(Y/n): "Yeah, I'm fine," I take her hand and she helped me up, "Thanks, I'm--"

Kaitlyn: "(Y/n) Idyll, son of Zart, a lot of people already know you, I'm Kaitlyn Moon."

[Thanks TheDeadKing03 for the OC! She's gonna be on your team.]

(Y/n): "Oh, well it's nice to meet you."

Kaitlyn: "Likewise, I should get going, see you later."

I nod and pick up everything and resume walking


I put down my sleeping bag and put my things near it, I chose a spot in the corner to be by myself, I'm not shy I just like the isolation sometimes. Most of the guys were either talking or doing push-ups or something but I kept to my corner looking at Beatbox to be sure everything was in working order

Flynt: "Hey (Y/n)!" I look up to see Flynt coming towards me, "How you doing?"

(Y/n): "Oh, you know, got trashed talked and tripped but I met two cool people so it's all good."

Flynt: "Great to hear, hey you mind if I sleep around here?" I look to see he had an instrument case and a sleeping bag, "The spot my friends chose is a little too crowded for my taste."

(Y/n): "Sure, wouldn't mind just a little company."

He smiled and put his things a little ways from me so we weren't uncomfortably close. He then noticed my guitar case.

Flynt: "Hey, could you play something?"

(Y/n): "Hm?"

Flynt: "Play something, I'm really curious how well you play compared to your pops."

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