Chapter 1

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All he saw was red. Hot liquid was oozing down his left eye and he was getting nauseous over the powerful foul smell that lingered in the air. He didn't want to slow down even if he was already running out of breath from the long distance he had ran. His feet were getting tired but he couldn't stop. He wouldn't. His fight-or-flight response triggered his body to flee from the danger he was in.

He'd be lying if he wasn't scared to death or on the verge of crying despite his usual nonchalant appearance. He never liked to display much emotions since that meant weakness to some and in this kind of world, that made them take advantage of you. Therefore, he vowed to never show others any emotions at all. At least none they'd perceive as him being breakable. However, this was no place to have such an act. His only instinct was to get out of here alive and although he wasn't sure he would survive - he knew he had to try.

Knowing very well he shouldn't stop for any reason even if he wanted - needed - to, his legs weren't complying with him and were already giving out. He needed the rest to allow his lungs to take in the oxygen they were so dangerously deprived of. His heart was thumping so hard in his chest that he could pick up the sound with his own ears.

As he came to a complete stop to take in deep breaths, the nauseous feeling started getting severely worse and he could still smell the awful stench in the air that prompted his stomach to turn - almost causing him to pass out. With the smell getting alarmingly close, he knew very well what that meant.

He had to keep running.

A cold breeze blew in from all around him, making the trees come alive in the silence of the night as they rustled loudly - giving an even more terrifying feel to the already creepy night. The eerie feeling of the forest as it was engulfed in total darkness and the fear of not knowing what was out there, following him, had the hair on the back of his neck standing up.

Right then he heard a gruesome screech in the distance from different directions behind him, instantly bringing him to a standstill. Violently shaking in place, tears cascaded down his face with the mixture of his own blood that oozed down his forehead more rapidly. That cry was no animal and it sounded like multiple of them were after him.

He kicked off running once again at full speed regardless of how tired he was. Considering that his life depended on his ability to survival, there was no time for him to rest.

His own tears obscured his view as he ran through bushes and shrouds; branches slapping his face, exposed arms and legs. Not knowing where he was headed to or what was waiting up ahead.

At the speed that he was going, it almost felt like he was levitating as gusts of wind bursted past him.

"Ah!" He suddenly lost control of his footing.

A surprised yell escaped his lips as he fell face first to the rough ground. Of course something bad was would to happen to him. He was the unluckiest man in existence after all.

Covered in sweat, tears and dirt, he grimaced in pain as his hands clasped around his aching ankle; whimpering between gritted teeth to hold back the sob that threatened to come out.

This marked the end of him. He was going to die all alone out here in the woods. He promised him that he would get out of here and get help. But now his sacrifice would go in vain all because of his clumsiness and stupid ankle.

"I'm sorry," he quietly sobbed, no longer able to find the strength within himself to hold back while lightly soothing his sprained ankle.

"I'm so, so sorry," he cried out. The tears mixing in with all the dirt on him as he wrapped his arms securely around his knees in the fetal position.

He had given up on himself. There was no more hope for him out here like this. How could he outrun those things? At this rate it was only a matter of minutes before he was eaten alive.


The memory flashed instantaneously in his eyes making his temples ache.

"Run, Jimin. Now!"

His head kept throbbing painfully, probably due to a concussion from his earlier injury.

"I won't be able to hold them back for much longer. You need to run."

No, he couldn't run, not anymore...not anymore...

He tightened his arms around himself, weeping .


Night Trip~JikookWhere stories live. Discover now