Rymantha Book 1

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(Ryan & Samantha)

A book by Mplaser

It was a day like any other, Ryan, Sam, Andon, & Michael were playing for there schools soccer team the score was 5 - 0 NSM Ryan was focused on the ball and was close to making it 6 - 0 but ryan was caught off guard when he saw a pretty girl wearing an NSM shirt. Ryan lost focus and missed his shot. Once the referee blew his whistle Andon, Sam, Ryan, & Michael met up and talked about the game.

"Dude! What happened!" Sam said

"I don't know I was just so focused on the ball but then like the sun got in my eyes and I missed" Ryan replied

"Well don't let it happen again!" Sam said in anger

"Ok ok it won't I promise," Ryan said

The next day Ryan looked around for the girl with the shirt in his class but he couldn't find her Once Ryan got changed for the next game he met up with his friends.

"Hey," Ryan said

"Hey," they said back

"So who are we playing next?" Ryan asked

"I think it is Bayside" Andon replied

"Dang, it's gonna be an easy win again!" Ryan said with excitement. Once the team got onto the field, Coach William talked to them.

"Ok boys today were playing bayside and their stats are been good, but we have been doing better. Ryan, I want you to be striker Andon you play center back Michael you play goalie and Sam you help by being defense. Alright, boys lets go!" the boys got into their positions and got ready to play. Ryan was looking in the crowd for the girl but he couldn't find her, so he just forgot about her.

In the second half the score was 3 - 0 NSM the clock was at 88' and Ryan was in position to score when the girl came apart in the crowded and shouted Ryan's name to cheer him on Ryan lost focus and missed his shot the referee blew his whistle and the game was over instead of Ryan joining his team in celebrating he went to the girl.

"Hey wait up!" Ryan called out the girl turned around to see Ryan running after her. She stopped and walked towards him.

"Hey I saw your last game in the same shirt and I thought that I ask you something," he said

"Yeah and what would that be?" she said. Ryan thought to himself, "dang her voice to so soft and sweet, she's even cuter in person" then he spoke, "what's your name?" "Samantha. Samantha Cho" she said. Then a lady called out, "Samantha! Come on we're going home now" Ryan made the assumption that that was her mom

"Gotta go, see you tomorrow soccer player" and Samantha left. Sam walked over to Ryan

"Who was that?" he asked

"Wait for what?! Uh, nobody! Nobody!" he said surprised

"K," Sam said weirdly. After the game, Ryan wondered about Samantha "what are her classes? Why have I never seen her before? Why is she always at my soccer games? Is she at my practices too? All I want to do is know more about her!" then, Ryan got a text from Rachel. It was a phone number, then Rachel texted "text this number and only text your name" Ryan Replied with "y?" but, Rachel didn't respond so Ryan went ahead and texted his name to the phone number. It was only five minutes until the number responded, it was Samantha. Ryan texted her for 4 hours until he had to go eat dinner.

After Ryan had dinner they kept talking for 3 more hours until her phone died so, Ryan just went to bed. And had a dream about what life would be like if they were in a relationship.

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