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"Love ya,"

"I love you very much, see you tomorrow!"

It was a simple sentence, very short and slurred. It faded in and out of her ears as cameras clicked, and people shouted. But it had caught Laura's attention like a hand grenade. She pulled herself into the private car that would drive her back to her LA home, and away from that evening. But thing was Laura didn't want to be dragged away, in fact she wanted nothing more than to just run back out there and calm her beating heart.

What the hell is wrong with you? She asked herself, looking out the tinted window into the flashing lights of cameras. Those eight stupid words ignited something in her that she didn't even realize she had.

"You have a good night Laura?" Her driver made small talk, pulling Laura out of her own obsessive thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh uh yeah. Fun night. Just tiring." She responded, hoping he would get the gist to shut the hell up because she had better things to think about. Like Taylor.

Damnit Taylor. Taylor had been an amazing friend right from the get go. It was like she had found a best friend that you could just be real with and authentic and suddenly, make out with in front of 40 people.

Laura closed her eyes, trying to shake out the lingering thoughts. Why was she having such a reaction to her words? Taylor was constantly touchy-feely, it was typical to say I love you to a costar, right?

But it was the way Taylor's blue eyes were glazed over, from all the champagne. She way she grinned cheekily, to the point where her dimples were visible. How she leaned over, reaching and waving. I love you very much.

Very much.

Laura's breath hitched, her mind bringing her back to that moment. It wasn't even a full minute long, but it had a hold on her like never before. The green frock Taylor wore, that was tight under her chest, and made that blonde hair shimmer-

The car lurched sending Laura forward and back in her seat abruptly.  

"My apologies Laura, traffic got backed up. We'll be there soon." Her driver snatched her out of her obsessive thoughts yet again as the ride continued. Laura breathed through her nose, trying to steady her heart. She deserved to be flung out of her seat into the interstate 405 if she had to be honest with herself. The thoughts she was having, oh dear lord the thoughts...

"Easy there," Laura warned with a chuckle, watching the blonde next to her bring a champagne flute back to her pink lips.

"Oh but it's so good," Taylor slurred, her tongue swiping the rest of the sparkling liquid from her lips. Laura swallowed roughly, her eyes watching Taylor's tongue. She quickly looked down towards her own half empty champagne flute. Laura had to admit, Taylor was cute when she got drunk. She was loose and had a little Boston accent in her slur.

"And you and I both know you're a lightweight." Laura commented, nudging her gently with an elbow. Taylor rolled her eyes, setting the flute down. She blinked at Laura, then turned her eyes back to the stage as they came back from commercial.

They were stupid thoughts, childish even and they made Laura's head spin. She wasn't supposed to have these thoughts, no she was just a straight tomboy, who played a lesbian that's all. But that mental image of Taylor's tongue played back over and over, and Laura had felt it before when they kissed. They were never supposed to use tongues but rules aren't any fun. It's hard to control what the body responds to, so both of them were guilty of opening just a centimeter too wide and letting the tongue push its way in.

I love you very much

It was like the rest of the world melted away when Taylor said it. Her eyes, albeit glazed over, were staring right at her. She would see her tomorrow, when they flew home to New York. Home. Goddamnit, she had started to call New York home.

I love you very much Where stories live. Discover now