My Imaginary Friend

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AN: This is the first time i'm writing a thriler/scary/creepy story so please tell me how the first chapter is. Please Comment and Vote! I'll write the second chapter without any votes or comments ,but by then i will need votes please.  Please tell me if you liked it.

Oh if you play the song while reading it will set the mood for the first chapter.

The air is soft as a cloud and cold as ice, yet it seems to portray an essence of home. A home which has been forgotten. The stiffness of the trees that surround me remind me of the atmosphere in the room in which all the nightmares started. The dark, scary, evil, night reminds me of the very soul who took my life away, but the soothing, dark, calming night reminds me of the mask they hide behind. A mask that I didn’t see until it was too late.  Walking around in the forest during the dead of winter isn’t anyone’s particular idea of trying to get things off your mind, but it is to me. Never have I felt so alone yet surrounded by so many people that say,"they care about me," but do they really?

If they did care about me would they have stood by and watched the nightmare that was happening to me? Would they admit to seeing how the boogie man was real, and that he lived with me? Would they finally say, “He deserve it,” instead of saying, “I’m sorry for your loss.” So I guess the answer is no, because they didn’t stop the nightmares, they never admitted that the boogie man was real, and they keep telling me, “I’m sorry for you loss.”  All of the people who are in the very house where I grew up don’t care about me. Cause if they did I wouldn’t feel lost in a maze of nightmares that never seem to end no matter how many times I try to wake myself up. If they cared about me they would see the guilt that I hold for not being sad that my father died, but happy that he isn’t alive.

“Gemini,” someone asked in a whisper behind me, “Are you okay?”

“Well isn’t it Aunt Carol checking on us.” I heard a ragged voice say beside me.

“Shut up.” I said not wanting to hear what he had to say this time.

“Gemini, are you okay sweetheart,” My aunt asked again.

I felt my mouth twitched in a grin as I covered my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh.

Oh Aunt Carol

 I turned around and meet my aunt’s gaze which was filled with concern.

“Oh sweetie, don’t cry,” My aunt said while pulling me into a hug and stroking my hair mistaking my almost burst of laughter for a sob. “Don’t cry sweet heart everything will be alright.”

I wrapped my arms around my aunt and smiled. My eyes soon meet with a pair of red ones which caused me too smile wider. “I know Aunt Carol, don’t worry we will be fine.”

My aunt pushed a little away from me with her hand still rested on my shoulder. She had tears in her eyes and a look of confusion. “We?” she questioned.

I looked at the person in front of me with red eyes and watched as he smirked revealing a sharp tooth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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