The Beginning

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Prism Bolt's Pov:

He didnt know what was going on all he knew was he was cold it was bright. It had never been bright. There was this bigger pony holding him right now. This pony was wearing a white coat of some kind. Prsim couldn't really understand what was going on. All he knew was he wanted his mom he hadn't seen her yet but he knew when he saw her he would now.

"Ms. Dash would you like to see your new colt" the strange pony with the white coat said. "Yes i would please" a very familiar voice said. Prism knew who this was this was his mother she had a rainbow mane like his own. The pony with the white coat gave him to his mother. "Hey there little guy im your mommy" dash said. Prism knew this is someone who would always love him no matter what.

"Mr. Skies would you like to come in and see Dash" the pony with the white coat. "Yes i would" this voice was also familiar not as familiar as his mom but he knew this voice he knew this big blue ponyloved mother very much and know he loved prism to.

"Would you like to hold him Soar" Dash said. "Yes i would love to" his father said. His mother gave him to his father. He saw in his father's eyes what looked like something called pride and love. Prism loved that look it was an awsome look he didnt even know what that meant but it sounded right.

Suddenly a small orange pony with a purple mane walked up to his father. "Hello scootalo this is your brother Prism Bolt" his father said. "Hello little brother" this pony said. She looked happy and happy to see him. Behind her Prism saw a dark blue pony and a yellow pony they looked happy to be there.

2 hours later

Prism was just sleeping in his fathers wings. When he heard a loud commanding voice. This voice hurt prism ears but he couldn't really understand what they were talking about. All he got out of that conversation was something about a wonderbolt and going somewhere. After the big red pony left the light in the sky had gone out it was now a dark blue purple sky. "Ok gang it's time to rest" his father said to the other ponies in the room.

His father put him on the floor. This floor was cold it was also hard to stay on his legs. The orange pony that called him brother has sleeping by the blue and yellow pony.

His father spread his big wing and covered him with it. His feathers were very warm. Suddenly mommy came down off her bed and laid down next to dad. First mommy fell asleep,then daddy closed his eyes but he wasnt sure if he fell asleep. But Prism could feel his eyes slowly close and he fell asleep.

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