Chapter Eleven

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{oh oh, things are about to get steamy between drarry. ⚠️}

Harry woke up to light shining in his eyes. Ron must've opened the curtains so he'd get up in time. Harry groaned, rolling over to place his glasses on.
As much as he loved Ron, he hated when he'd open the curtains. Harry enjoyed the room when it was dark. It was easier to sleep in.

Harry was genuinely happy though. Even though he hadn't seen Draco in a day, he was happy that he was in a good place mindset wise. Except for the impending battle with the Dark Lord.

He got up out of the bed with a sigh, stretching as he headed to the bathroom. After showering, Harry got dressed and headed to the Slytherin dormitories to say good morning to Draco. As he made his way down the halls, he ran into Pansy.



"Is Draco in his room?" He asked.

"No. He didn't come back." She shrugged.

"He, he didn't come back?" Harry stuttered.

"It's fine, though." Pansy assured. "He usually shows up after a day or two. He just needs time alone, probably." And off she went. Harry stood there for a moment. He didn't come back. He wasn't at Hogwarts. For all Harry knew, Voldemort could have him. Harry began to freak out and ran to the Great Hall, he made a B-line for the Gryffindor table and sat beside Hermione.

"'Mione! Draco didn't come back last night!" Harry said as he caught his breath.

"I'm sure he's fine, Harry." Hermione muttered, looking at her papers.

"You think?" Harry frowned, unable to sit still as he thought about what could be wrong.

"Yes! If he wasn't, we would've heard about it. He'd been put in as missing." Hermione assured. Ron was in early studies for Herbology while Neville and Seamus were discussing their Divination projects so it was Hermione and Harry sitting with one another silently.

Harry continued to think about Draco. About how he could be hurt, or stuck, or dead. Harry's breath caught in his throat at the thought but he knew he was being dramatic.

Just then, Draco walked in. Harry and Hermione looked directly at him and watched where he was going. He made his way straight to Pansy and Blaise, taking Pansy and lifting her up. She stood, a confused expression on her face. He kissed her. Draco Malfoy kissed Pansy Parkinson. Harry couldn't believe it. He was watching his boyfriend, his boyfriend, kiss someone else. And not just someone else, but Pansy Parkinson.

Pansy looked shocked and horrified at the same time when Draco had pulled away, while the blond looked over at Harry before turning around and leaving the Great Hall.


"Don't! Don't say anything." Harry snapped, standing up and quickly making his way out of the Great Hall to follow Draco.

"Malfoy!" He yelled. Draco kept walking.

Once again, he called. "Malfoy!"

Draco ignored him.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, if you don't turn around and look me in the eyes I swear to Merlin I'll-"

"You'll what?" Draco asked, turning around. "Yell at me and complain about how I've hurt you? Oh how I've hurt you and how dare I." Draco gasped dramatically. "Can't forget how you'll tell me how you expect such things of me."

"What is up with you? I haven't seen you since yesterday morning and when I do, you've got your tongue down Pansy's throat!"

"Your point?"

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