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Dear Mirabelle,

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Dear Mirabelle,

Today was a good day, well as good of a day as it could have been without you there with me. Ned made me go and get ice cream with him and I even cracked a smile, which was pretty rare I guess.

I don't know, it's like everything I do all I can think about is you, how you liked this and how you hated that. How much you loved this certain spot and the yellow leaves that fell on the ground right there, how your smile would light up when you kicked at them, how you would laugh and giggle at the dogs in the dog park playing with each other.

The ice cream place reminded me of your favorite flavor today, birthday cake, and I still ordered it knowing you weren't there to eat it with me. And god how I hate it. It tastes awful like blugh it's bleh.

I miss you Mira, I really do.

Love, Peter

✓ DEAR MIRABELLE → PETER PARKER ²Where stories live. Discover now