You Become Friends

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You have been crossing paths with Osano a lot lately. You have agreed to meet with him at lunch. The bell eventually went and you walked to the maze. 'Hi Y/N.' He waved at you. ' Hi Osano.' He smiled which is rare for him. ' Would you like to be friends?' You looked confused. ' I thought we were already friends.' He was getting very overexcited. ' So is that a yes?' You smiled at him. 'Yes.'


Y/N P.O.V.

Everyday you have been in the cooking club acting like a child with Amao. Having flour fights and baking together. He was a truly great guy. 'Hey Amao.' You were very hesitant. 'W-Would you like to be friends?' He smiled so much. 'Yay of course I will!' He picked you up, spun you around and hugged you.


Y/N P.O.V.

The drama club was your favourite place to be. It was a great way to be creative. You were in the room one day and the club had just finished. 'Um Kizano.' You were afraid he would kick you out. ' I am not rich like you nor nearly as amazing as you but this is my one offer to you right now. Would you like to be my friend. ' There was an awkward silence. Kizano smiled at you. ' No doubt.' He then gave you a rose.


Y/N P.O.V.

You were reading in the library about the paranormal. You turned the pages of the book to the poltergeist section. ' Y/N.' You jumped in fright. ' Why are you reading about poltergeists?' You didn't want to scare him but also couldn't lie so you told him. ' Well, some things have been happening and things have levitated and been thrown across the house, I have felt like someone is always next to or behind me, even when no-one is there.' He was more shocked than scared. ' Um, why would any-one want to haunt you? You're amazing.' 'Thanks Oko.' You couldn't stop smiling. 'Do you maybe want to be friends?' You were overjoyed and held him in a warm embrace. 'Why wouldn't I?'


Y/N P.O.V.

The word has gone around that the person who helped you when you blacked out was Aso. You then decided to go and talk to him. 'Um Aso.' He turned around. He had no shirt on so you blushed a little. ' Yeah.' You looked him in care and said ' Can we be friends?' Aso walked up to you and cupped your cheek. You started to feel a little flustered. ' I would love that.' He then pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back. You both walked with each-other to class.


Y/N P.O.V.

You were so clumsy that you kept getting hurt. This meant you kept having to go to the nurse's office. Mr.Mujo was cleaning a wound on your arm when you held his shoulder. He looked at you and look confused because he thought that you looked sad. ' M .Mujo?' 'Yes.' he replied. ' Can we be friends?' He replied with ' I don't know. I mean I'm not meant to have any type of relationship with any students and I could lose my job and go to prison. Okay I will but you can't tell anyone.' You were so happy you could hug him. When he was done you went straight to class because you already missed the start of it.


Y/N P.O.V. 

I was asked to stay after class. But it was English. There couldn't be a worse teacher. He was sat on the desk starring right at me. He then motioned for me to go to where he is. I obeyed since he is my teacher after all. He looked to the ground as if he was really guilty. 'What's wrong?' I was really concerned. 'Y/N. I know you hate me and I perfectly understand why but I just wanted you to know that I feel really bad about what I did. Look. I'm sorry.' My blood was boiling. 'You're sorry!? I leave a class for ONE minute, come back only to see you beating up my boyfriend. The only person who loved me romantically.' He was so shocked. ' No! That's not true. I did it for a reason.' I was so angry. ' Oh really!? Then tell me why.' But he didn't answer. ' That's what I thought.' With a sad and disappointed face, I started to walk away. He then immediately held my hand. He pulled me into an embrace. 'I couldn't let him take my friend away from me. I'm sorry. I lashed out and I shouldn't have.' He was crying. I had no idea he had these types of feelings. I started crying. I don't recall ever saying we were friends but I decided to say this. ' We will still be friends. Don't worry.' He released me from the embrace, dried his eyes and said 'Goodbye Y/N'. I then dried my eyes, smiled and left. 


The next day you went to second period which was science. You got paired up with Osoro. You both were pretty pissed. He spoke to you. ' I don't like this punk.' I decided to confront him. 'Why do you hate me Osoro?' He was shocked. 'What! I don't hate you. I'm just a little bit tsundere'  I didn't know what to think. 'What! You d-don't like me or anything right?' He reassured you. 'Oh no. I just want to be friends. Just don't tell anyone or they think that I'm vulnerable.' I knew what he meant. 'I understand.' 


You were walking to the happy school you study at, when suddenly Hanako popped up in front of you. 'Hello Y/N. How are you?' You told him that you were okay. He then started to skip to school next to you. You asked him if he wanted to friends. He was so happy. He said yes.


'Magamo? Can I sp-speak with you please?' He got up from his desk confused and walked to you. 'What is your problem!' he seemed pissed with you for no god-dam reason might I add. 'You stuck up snob is the problem.' He was so shocked. 'What do you mean?' My blood was boiling. ' You know exactly what I mean. You look down on everyone and think your better than them just because you're rich. Well my opinion is that it doesn't make you look amazing. It just makes you look like an ass. You don't seem to care about anybody's feelings.' Megamo didn't know what to say. 'I'm sorry I-I didn't know.' I felt bad for yelling at him. He only knew what he was taught that life was like. 'It's okay.' I hugged him but surprisingly he hugged back. We then both separated from the hug and walked to class together where we became fast friends.

Yandere Kun-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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