Summer-8:03 pm on Tuesday

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I had left at some point. At first, I had made it my duty to stay locked inside my room, but my anxiety got to me. I've been trying my best to avoid Chase. I felt like he was planning something. I know that it's just me being crazy, but Chase is unreadable and dangerous. I haven't seen him at school and there were several rumors as to why. Sarah said that he had a couple weeks of OSS for hitting her and leaving campus. Other people were saying that he hadn't been to school since his fight with Sarah. Amanda claimed he was probably heartbroken because I ended up telling her everything that happened between Chase and I. That caused Dede to start another rumor; that Chase and I had a bad breakup. So, not only am I trying to avoid Chase, but I was also receiving hate messages from Sarah on Facebook.

I huffed, annoyed, as I crossed the street. I hugged myself to keep calm. I made sure that I had my mase and knife before leaving home. Every time I came upon a new street, I would look around. To pedestrians, I probably looked like a paranoid lunatic. Leaving my home was a terrible idea. I hated that this town was so small. It's impossible to hide from anyone because almost everyone knew each other. Chase could find me anytime he wanted to. My heart started to race at that thought. I quickly pulled out my phone, scrolled through my contacts, and clicked on my mom's name. The phone rang three times before she answered.
"Hi, hi," my mom answered, sweetly.
"Mom...Can you...Can you come to get me..." I breathed heavily. I was probably having a panic attack.
"What's wrong? Are you OK?" my mom quizzed. I took a moment to gather my words.
"I'm...scared," I cried. Tears came pouring out. "I'm really scared..."
"O-OK, where are you sweetie?" my mom asked. I could hear her shuffling around. I would have to come up with a fantastic ass lie. I didn't want my mom knowing I had relations with some psycho from school. She would freak out and get cops involved. I could figure things out on my own; I just needed to stay away from him. I took a deep breath and told my mom where I was. I also told her a strange man was following me and I got scared. She told me she was on her way and hung up. I put my phone away and entered the store I was standing in front of. It was a bakery called Mama's Baked Goods. The store smelled nice and it calmed me a bit. I grabbed a menu and took a seat at one of the tables. Just as I get relaxed, I heard a familiar laugh. My shoulders tensed up as I repeatedly told myself not to turn around, but of course, my body did the complete opposite. I peered over my shoulder. Chase was seated at a booth with Sarah and some of his friends. I locked eyes with one of them named Sam. The guy looked me up and down then pointed to me. A lump clogged my throat. I was going to die. I've never been one to believe a giant man was in the sky watching over us, but I did tonight. I prayed that my mom hurried up and that Chase ignored me.

Chase looked up from his phone after Sam got his attention. His cold eyes fell on me. He pushed himself back in his chair and stood up. My heart was flat-lining. I couldn't look away; I couldn't move. Chase made his way over to where I was. He placed a hand on my arm while taking a seat next to me. I could hear Sarah trying to force Chase's friends to leave with her, and them telling her to go home on her own. Chase's hand trailed up to my shoulder. He pulled me into a hug.
"I missed you," he whispered. I shuddered. I needed to leave. Chase let go of me and waved the waitress over. He pulled me out of my chair and tried to make me sit with him and his friends. My body did everything he wanted. My mind shouted "No" and "Let me go", but my mouth was sealed. Well, not until my mom came rushing into the shop. She saw me and pushed Chase away.
"Stay away from my daughter you creep! I will call the cops!" My mom screamed, drawing attention.
"I-" before Chase could get a sentence out, I cut him off and said, "He's not the one that was following me, mom. That man ran after Chase saw him." I pointed to Chase. "This is my boyfriend...he was just helping me." My mom blushed cherry red.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," she smiled, bowing at Chase. "I had no idea my little Astrid was dating someone. Forgive me." Chase smiled back.
"It's OK. You were just doing what moms do," he said. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I tried my best not to seem disgusted. My mom clasped her hands together.
"As an apology, you should come to have dinner with us," she suggested. I wanted to shake my head vigorously. Chase nodded. My mom cheered, leading us out the door and to her car.

Dinner was awkward for me. I hated the idea of Chase using our cups and spoons. I hated the fact that he was stuffing his mouth with my mother's dumplings, rice, and fish. My fist clenched and unclenched under the table as Chase and Vaughn talked about colleges and football. I wanted to stab Chase with the knife my mom was using to cut the fish. I felt very uncomfortable. Chase was in my home, pretending to be the greatest person in the world, eating my food, rubbing my leg, and smiling as if we had the best relationship to ever exist. We had nothing. We were absolutely nothing. So many weeks ago he didn't even acknowledge me. Now, he was destroying my life. How did anyone put up with him? Why did Sarah want him so badly? She can have him.
"How long have you two been dating?" Vaughn asked. He was staring at me, waiting for an answer.
"A couple of weeks," I answered, picking at my food.
"I confessed to her during lunch," Chase bragged, trying to sound like a romantic person. Of course, my mom and Vaughn fell for it.
"This is so cute," my mom giggled. She took out her phone and snapped a picture of Chase and me. "I have to post about this!" I snatched my mom's phone. She looked shocked.
"I-I don't want anyone knowing about us yet," I lied, deleting the picture.
"Aw, you're so shy," Chase purred. My brows furrowed.
"I think you should leave!" I snapped. I finally gained some backbone. Everything went silent except for the tea boiling on the stove. Chase smirked. He stood up, kissed me on the cheek, the left. I frowned at my mom and Vaughn before storming off to my room. This was the worst day ever.

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