Chapter 16

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The next day, which just happened to be April 1st, Fred and George's birthday, dawned clear and cool. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. Students kept their heads down in the corridors; teachers spoke softly in their lessons.

But everything seemed to explode at lunch. Corridors were blocked with swamps, or echoed with bangs. Some were plunged into darkness. Eventually the sound of fireworks drew everyone to the Entrance Hall.

Fred and George were flying around on their brooms, letting off fireworks and taunting Umbridge.

"We have decided that--,"

"--our futures lie outside the realm--,"

"--of academic achievement." They announced with a flourish. They set one final firework to chase Umbridge down into the Great Hall. It caught up to her, leaving her still green hair singed, and her hideous pink robes covered in soot.

Fred and George flew off to thunderous applause.


"Did they like it?" Harry asked, seated on the couch when Fred and George entered the small flat above the shop they had purchased in Diagon Alley. Lily was on his lap. Fred and George jumped.

"Harry! How did you--,"

"--get here so quickly?"

"I asked the Room of Requirement for a secret passageway directly to this building and it obliged."

"That's very--,"

"--convenient, little seeker."

"It is. Since I intend to spend as little time as possible in Hogwarts after what happened yesterday." Harry said, grimacing slightly.

"We wouldn't have it--,"

"--any other way, angel."


A few days later, Harry, Fred and George were in the large bed in their bedroom in the flat, enjoying each other's bodies as much as they could, given Harry's weakness from repeated blood loss.

"Mr Fred? Mr George?" A feminine voice called as the door of the flat opened. A young woman appeared in the doorway of the bedroom. "I wanted to ask—," She stopped suddenly when she saw them and gasped, turning away. "I'm sorry—I didn't mean..." She trailed off. Harry pulled the sheets around himself and glared at her. She trembled, her face bright red and ran out the door.

"Who the bloody hell was that? And why did she just waltz into the flat?" Harry asked, upset.

"She's just the shop--,"

"--assistant we hired."

"Shop assistant? Then why did she just barge in here?" Harry asked, climbing from the bed and storming from the room, still wrapped in the sheets. He collapsed onto the couch, tears in his eyes. "Has she done it before?" He asked, suddenly afraid. Afraid he wasn't enough. Afraid that his fragile health and his focus on Lily had caused the twins to look elsewhere for affection.

"No, why would--,"

"--she have?" Fred and George looked confused.

"Because I'm not enough?" Harry whispered. "Because you wanted more than a broken soulmate who's constantly tired, or taking care of a baby?" He went on, looking down at his lap, tears pouring down his face. Fred and George quickly wrapped him in their arms.

"Of course you are enough, little seeker--,"

"--you will always be enough. We only--,"

"--ever want you. Only you." They assured him, pressing kisses to his face and wiping his tears.

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