Chapter I

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The Stylinson estate is on the verge of civil war, the officers cannot come to a reasonable solution to who is going to lead them. The senior officers, which include Zayn, Archer, Hawk, Raven and other senior vampires support Harry's claim to the throne of the estate. However, Serge and the junior vampires cannot support his claim to the throne. They don't believe a human should hold the lordship of the Stylinson estate. It's a uphill battle and if Harry doesn't step in, Ariel will win without another fight. 


After the battle, Harry retreated to his room and remained their for days, refusing to see anyone, even the officers couldn't convince him to come out. His sobbing could be heard from outside of his room and Zayn needed to say something, but could never keep his emotions in control. Louis was his superior, but they were friends and it was difficult to process. 

Zayn and Archer attempted to slow down Serge's influence, but he was well-respected by the junior vampires. They had the numbers to overthrow the leadership of the Stylinson estate, but many vampires would disagree with that method. It would only shame the vampires who served under Louis and damage their beloved home. 

Hawk knocked on the door and opened it slightly. "Harry, may I have permission to enter?" He pushed it all the way open, knowing he was allow in the bedroom. The curly haired lad always welcomed his company, knowing of Hawk's warm and caring personality. Harry is sobbing in the corner, his knees against his chest. He's surrounded by darkness and it's difficult to see him.

He sat down by the lad and wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder, bringing comfort along with it. The curly haired lad nuzzled into Hawk's neck and continued to sob. He couldn't handle all this responsibility being given to him at once. The officers were trying to assist, but they could only do so much. "I need you, Hawk. My mind is running all these scenarios and I'm scared about what's happening to us. I cannot lead vampires, no one is going to follow me."

Hawk admired the boy's strength because Harry was facing his fears, going into the unknown. "I understand this is confusing, but it's not new to you. Louis was always leading the estate and you saw that, I know this estate can thrive under your leadership. Harry, you are kind and sweet person, you're perfect for leading us."

The curly haired lad wiped his tears away and stared at Hawk with his emerald orbs. "We need your help or Ariel is going to win. Serge has challenged the captain's authority and the movement to remove them from power is gaining speed. We need to unite our forces under one banner and that's going to be up to you."

Harry gulped and continued to stare at Hawk. "I don't know if I can do it, but I'm willing to try for Louis." He was helped up by Hawk and they got him into a clean pair of clothes. "Don't allow your emotions to govern your judgement because it will only lead to pain. Serge is going to try and lash out at him, but don't. He cannot harm you, the officers will protect you." 

Hawk left the room and goes downstairs to find an argument erupting between Zayn and Serge. "Your authority is meaningless, the officers have no claim to the throne! You need to be from a family with the right to hold the throne. I'm the only one with that right, thin-bloods have no claim! Harry has even less right to the throne, he's a human! They have no right in the business of this estate or any estate for that matter."

The officers couldn't believe what was just said. They realized the problem wasn't about Harry being a human, Serge wanted the throne of the Stylinson estate, believing he was better suited for the position. "You will have to claim to this estate, the Stylinson estate's records are clear!" Serge and his supporters could careless about documents, it doesn't move them at all. 

"Those documents are useless! Tyler isn't fit to lead the estate, he's a child with no leadership experience." Serge was speaking the truth, even the senior vampires agreed with him. Tyler was too young to take the throne, but being human had nothing to do with it. "It would only be right for Louis' husband to take the throne."

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