Chapter 6

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Alister had believed that the hour's trip (which should have been an two hours without the speed limit breaking motorcycle) to the hotel and back would not be long enough for some disaster to befall the boy. For a rare moment, he had trusted the boy- Ryo's-"friends" to be able to handle any situations that would arise and to follow common sense, like not letting Ryo out of their sight for more than five minutes or checking on him when he had been showering for more than a half hour.

As a steel-toed boot kicks open a locked bathroom door, Alister decides to refrain from making any such mistakes in the future. Heat is completely absent from the bathroom, and Alister swears that he can see ice along the edges of the mirror. His gaze first travels to the empty shower, but the sight beneath him soon captures all of his attention.

The boy looks like he did at the bridge. Chalk colored skin and dark, dark circles under his eyes. Just like then, he does not appear to be breathing.

Alister rushes to the boy's side and checks for a pulse- that beats faintly in the boy's neck. Alister breathes out, but intakes sharply when he feels the ice-cold temperatures of the boy. His breath pauses when he sees the glowing Ring.

There is movement in Alister's peripheral vision, and the Pharaoh comes into view. Alister, too busy trying to awaken Ryo, does not stop the Pharaoh as he grasps the rope attached to the Ring. The tug of the rope causes Ryo's hands to tighten their grip on the Ring. The boy does not react in any other way to either the Pharaoh or Alister's actions.

"The Millennium Ring is doing this. We need to remove it before it kills him."

Alister does not respond to the Pharaoh's words. He remembers the bridge and the way the spirit had been so intent on saving the boy. Alister doubts that the Pharaoh's statement is accurate. Crimson eyes narrow at Alister's silence, and the Pharaoh once again opens his mouth to speak. The sight of Ryo opening his eyes causes the Pharaoh to pause. Alister does not pause. Instead, he checks the clearness of Ryo's eyes and places a hand on Ryo's shoulder.

"Hey, kid, are you alright? Do you know who I am?" The words are calm, but Alister's free hand is clenched. Ryo looks at Alister in bleary confusion. However, as his green eyes clear, recognition enters them.

"Ali... Alister." The boy closes his eyes again, but opens them a few moments later. His gaze travels to the Pharaoh.

"Yugi, sorry I-"

"It's fine. I should have known that the Ring Spirit's influence would cause you to take it back." The Pharaoh eyes the Ring, and Alister can tell that he is waiting to snatch it away.

"No." The boy's trembles and icy temperature seeps through Alister's hand.

"You need to be somewhere warmer. Can you stand?" Alister can feel the Pharaoh's crimson-eyed stare, but he refuses to meet the dark one's eyes.

"I don't know..." The hand on Ryo's shoulder moves to a better position to help the boy stand. Once Ryo is on his feet, he attempts to stand on his own, but starts to fall back. Alister's strong arm steadies Ryo and the white-haired boy leans on the steadier young man. The Pharaoh watches.

It surprises Alister that the Pharaoh waits until the redhead has helped Ryo shuffle out of the bathroom before trying to snatch the Ring. Strangely, Ryo does not seem surprised and merely wraps the rope around his own arm. The Pharaoh's outstretched hand retracts, and his lips tighten into a thin line.

The other three notice the Ring.

"Aah." The blonde takes several steps back while the male with brown pointed hair takes only one step.

"Hey! Where did that come from?" says the pointed-haired male with a faint quaver to his voice.

"He took it from Yugi before we left," Says the girl still by the front door. Her breath is short, and she leans against the door.

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