The Dancing Lion - Jakub and Valdamir

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I think it all started at the pub,really. Cause if it had never been for The Dancing Lion I would never meet Valdamir and my life would not have been the tangled up mess in became after meeting him. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me rewind. My name is Jackub Hoffman and I have decided dedicated my life to hunting and destroying the Russian Mafia . I work with interpol in London, though sometimes I am lucky enough to be send elsewhere. For the past three years my team and I have been taking out the Russian Mafia that has set up camp here in London. I was currently on a scouting mission on a possible lead to the whereabouts of the gangs leader.
The lion den was cozy more then it was elegant. The tables had chips in them, a thick fog of tobacco hung in the air, and the large green smoking chairs had feathers coming out of them. But this was my bar and I loved it here, granted they also served the best fish and chips in town.
Today had been a truly awful day, my boss Leon had yelled at everyone because we weren't getting anywhere, my girlfriend had woken up in a bad mood and had made sure I knew it and on top of it all it was pouring down rain and I had no umbrella. At the time I had been about a block away from the dancing lion so I decided to wait out the storm in here . Nestled up with a glass of vodka on the rocks in grosed by the news paper I didn't hear the bell above the door ring. What caught my attention first was his accent.
" Vodka on the rocks" a thick russian accent cut through the silence of the bar.
I peered over the top of my paper no one ever ordered what I did. At the bar was a tall figure in a long black trench coat with messy midnight dark hair poking out from under a hat. This could be the lead. The figure turned around to face me and I nearly gasped out loud. The man in front of me was one of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen.
Skin paler than snow covered a slender yet strong frame . His cheek bones seemed to be cut out of marble with bright blue sapphires as eyes and blood red lips. I noticed I was still looking at him and quickly turned away not before though I caught his eye for a quick second. Then it happened. He came over to me.
"May I join you " he said in a sultry voice.
"Yes um yes" I stammered.
Pull yourself together Jakub I silently scolded myself. The greek god of a man sat down in the chair opposite.
"The names Valdamir" he said holding out his hand .
"Jakub" I said shaking his hand.
Firm grip, showed good authority. I respected that in a man.
"What brings you to these hallowed halls" I said gesturing around me.
" I got caught in that reched storm, nothing like at home but still I need a taste of my home land so I popped in"
" Where is home ?" I questioned
" I thought my accent gave it away" he chuckled.
" But mother Russia, St Petersburg more specifically, I was brought to London to review some of my designs before they are sent off to manufacturing "
"What do you design? " I asked
"Jewlery, been in the family for ages" he said sipping his glass.
" Impressive"
" Thank you, and may I inquire what you do" he looked up at me through his lashes.
I had rehearsed his a million times, I was a local journalist who reviewed restaurants and food.
" I'm a food journalist for the newspaper" I said.
" That must be fun " Valdamir chuckled
" Never dull moment I'd say" I responded
"Where could I get a decent meal around here since you know so well?" He asked raising an eyebrow "Mcgilligon has the best stake in town. Then of course here has the best fish and chips in the whole island" I said
"And I am learning of this right now?" Valdmire said .
I chuckled
" I'll tell you this, meet me here again tomorrow at 8 pm, I'll treat you to some of these famous fish and chips" Vladimir said.
" I belive I can make that work" I said extending my hand .
He reached out and shook it with a smile.
We talked for what seemed like hours after, I has truly never met someone like this man.
" Well it looks like the storm has stopped" Valdamir pointed towards the window .
"I'd best be on my way, 8 o'clock tomorrow don't forget."
And with that he got up and left, walking out the door and being swallowed up by the cold London.
Shit. Why had I just done that . From day one we are always told not to make personal connections or talk to anyone. But I couldn't resist, those deep green eyes had sucked me in from the moment I saw them. I couldn't get him out of my head. A sharp winds jolted me back to reality, it was so funny how Londoners called this weather cold.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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