1:19 am

538 29 10

Maybe if I drown my thoughts in alcohol they'll go away.
Maybe some loud music and being around other drunken people will lighten my mood.


I walk up to the bar and sit down on a stool. Not paying any mind to the people around me.
I tell the bar tender what I want, and it's handed to me within a few minutes.
I just-about chug that down and ask for another.
I decide to look around. It's dark, and the bar is made of dark, polished cedar wood, it's quite beautiful actually.
Once I've downed my 6th drink people start to morph together. And people are starting to leave.
A guy walks up and sits next to me.
"You look pretty messed up bud"
He says with a smile.
All I can to is look at him with lazy drunken eyes.
"Yeah your eyes are bloodshot, I'll take you home. You're just gonna have to help me get you there. Okay?"
I nod.

He stands up and takes my hand a leads me out.
I tell him what direction, and we make our way there.
Once were at the door I hand him my key, and he unlocks the door and brings me in and sits me on the couch.
He sits next to me and smiles.
"I'll stay here if that's okay?"
I nod, and drift to sleep.

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