Chapter 1

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Blake's POV:

I was finally able to escape Sand Dunes and head back to my hometown of Hartville. I got my bus ticket in my right hand and everything that I need in my backpack and in my suitcase.

*flashback to three years ago*

Even though it wasn't my choice I still felt bad leaving her there when she was going through so much. I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to her. It was even harder leaving without being able to text or call her and tell her, especially after I had kissed her.

*present time*

I was finally going to be able to see her. I know that things won't go straight back to how they were before I left. Besides, she probably moved on and found someone else.

Lilly's POV:
*flashback two years ago*

It has been a year since he had left I know that I should move on and accept that he isn't coming back but it is hard losing the love of your life.

The next day at school I was at my locker when the most popular boy, Logan Peters, came over and asked me out on a date as he has been doing the past week but I turned him down each time. Although today I decided to say yes and go out with him.

"Oh, so now she says yes to the 'almighty' Logan!" Logan joked.

I just rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah well I figure this is the best way to get the 'almighty' Logan to stop bothering me."

"Ooouch! That hurt I am actually a pretty cool guy once you get to know me"

"Oh is that so we'll just have to see."

"I'll pick you up at 7 tonight then?"

"Sounds good."

*present time*

I currently am getting ready for a date with my boyfriend of two years, Logan Peters.

After graduating high school we moved to San Fransisco for Logan's schooling and for me to become a journalist.

Tonight we are celebrating our two year anniversary.

"Hey, babe are you almost ready?" Logan called out from the living room.

"I'll be out in a second," I shouted back.

We had gotten to the restaurant and finished ordering our food. Logan decided to take me to a fancy restaurant, The Bel Canto. I had ordered a Brown Sugar Glazed Salmon with a glass of raspberry lemonade.

Our orders had come and we had we ate them and talked for a while.
Logan then started to talk, "So I've been thinking for a while now I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore. I want to be...

Authors note: You actually thought that I was going to tell you.

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