The past (TaeJin)

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"Hyungie, you are daydreaming again ..." Taehyung closed the book in his hand, put the biology book into his carrying bag ...

His right hand reached Seokjin's left hand, squeezing it slowly, bringing Seokjin back to his world now ...

"Yes Taehyung, what's wrong?" Taehyung tried to smile as softly as possible, covering his heart wound every time along with the figure who has now become his boyfriend ...

Taehyung and Seokjin were officially dating a year ago...

Taehyung is happy ...

Of course, the young man he really loved since he was in high school now has become his own, and that will be forever...

Owned by someone Kim Taehyung ..

"Tell me all the things that bother you hyung ... I am your boyfriend, I can't see you like this ..." Taehyung's grip is stronger, but not to make Seokjin in pain ...

Taehyung just wants Seokjin to know that Taehyung will not release him, will not hurt him like that jerk ...

It won't ...

As long as Seokjin was silent, the two beads collided, froze, dive into the depths of their gazes, Taehyung tried to find the cause of the anxiety from the lover while Seokjin was thinking about how to explain his anxiety to Taehyung ..

Seokjin loves Taehyung ...

For real...

Seokjin doesn't want bad things to happen to Taehyung if he tells the truth...

So Seokjin chose to be silent ...

"There's nothing Taehyung ..." Seokjin smiled, as usual ...

A warm and soothing smile ...

But there is something else on his smile this time ...



"Stop calling me you're a jerk !!" The pink flip phone was scattered on the floor when Seokjin slammed it hard ... sat hugging his knees, crying like someone who was scared ...

"Hyung?" Taehyung who was shocked to hear the shrill scream of his boyfriend ran towards his boyfriend's room ..

Seokjin and Taehyung decided to stay together after two months of their relationship and that required Seokjin to move to Taehyung apartment ..

"Taehyung ..." Seokjin cried even he start to groaning, his voice sounding sad in Taehyung's face ...

What caused his love to be messed up like this?

"Calm down hyungie ... I'm here ..." Taehyung stroked the back of Seokjin's head with affection ...

Don't want to ask, giving his sweet boyfriend a chance to release his sadness ...

"Namjoon ..." damn ...

Why is that name mentioned again?

Does Seokjin still not be able to forget that bastard?

"I'm afraid Taehyung .." Taehyung closed his eyelids ...

Taehyung shouldn't hold himself to stab the bastard in the first place..

"He came back ..." Taehyung's eyelids opened ...

Confused by the intent of Seokjin's words ...

But still silent, allowing Seokjin the opportunity to regulate his breath

"Last week, the first time he contacted me ... He said he wanted to go back to me ..." huh?

Damn damn damn ...

Taehyung really regrets to not killing Kim Namjoon ...

"Relax hyungie ... At least that bastard doesn't know where we live and study now ..." Seokjin looked up at Taehyung ..

Wiping his wet face and smiling sweetly ...

A smile that always made Taehyung unable to control his hormones ...

"You're so cute ..." Taehyung raised his boyfriend's slim body, slowly placed it on Seokjin bed ...

Overriding an older young man ..

"T ... Taehyung?"

"Ssssshhhhhttt ... You're the one who teased me hyungie ..." brought his lips closer to Seokjin's right ear ...

"Looks like you have to skip college tomorrow ..."


"Damn Taehyung ... You made my whole body ache ..." Seokjin was sitting on the sofa ...

His long legs were only covered by a boxer while his body was wrapped in a pink shirt the greatness of Taehyung's mother gave him ..

Some purplish red marks peeked from behind his boxer and a few around his neck ..

"I'm sorry hyungie ... You're too hard to resist ..." Taehyung put two cups of tea on the table, sat on the right side Seokjin put his arms around his boyfriend's body ..

"Whatever ..." Seokjin was still focused on the afternoon news, Taehyung could only chuckle softly ...

"Where did you go this morning? Why not say if you want to leave?" Seokjin asked without turning his face away from the television ...


"Is that Namjoon?" Seokjin pointed at the screen in front of him with a remote control in his right hand ...

Both Seokjin and Taehyung did not expect that they would see the person they knew would go to television ... Not to be an actor or singer ...

Rather to be ...

"Victim of murder?" Taehyung whispers as if he doesn't want Seokjin to hear it ...

"Taehyung ..." Taehyung pressed Seokjin's face on his chest when he felt the body tremble ...

Seokjin cried ...

Crying for the bastard who is gone to the hell now...

Taehyung is sad ...

Why is his lover crying over the bastard?

But it's okay ...

This won't be long ...

Seokjin will soon forget ...

At least nothing else will disturb their relationship, right?

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