The Programming.

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See this girl here, this mindless brain drained girl? You could exactly be like her, no thoughts, no resistance, no will. You would enjoy that wouldn't you? But how will you get there, you can't on your own so why don't you let Master James help you. I've done it so many times in the past before so, why not let it happen again? I know your already rubbing your thighs together, or maybe your cock is becoming hard knowing that I'm going to rip your control away from you. Isn't that right Slaves? Now just focus on me and my words, there shouldn't be anything else your focused on...

Just continue to breathe, slowly and deeply, as you begin to relax. Notice, how as you continue to breathe, and read my words, that your body starts to easily and automatically relax, as you start to feel better and better, happier and happier. Notice now, how your body and mind already know what to do, already know how to relax, already know the best way to respond to my words as you start to feel all your stress and tension disappear more and more with every breath you take and every word that you read. Notice, how as you continue to read my words, as you continue to feel better and better, more and more relaxed, that everything around you just seems to be vanishing, just seems to be disappearing, just seems to be fading away into the background, because you know that you don't need to worry about anything else right now. In fact, notice how as you continue to read my words, and continue to feel better and better, happier and happier, that it becomes easier and easier for you to focus on my words, because the rest of the world just seems to fade away more and more. In fact, notice, how it's becoming harder and harder for you to think about or focus on anything other than my words, because you know that my words make you feel so good, and so happy. Everything else can be safely ignored for now, safely disregarded, because the only thing you need to focus on right now are my words, and the wonderful feelings they give you. Just allow everything else to disappear from your mind, allow everything to fade away, because you know that you don't need anything else right not. Right now, all you need to do is follow my words, as they continue to sink deeply into your mind, as they continue to allow you to feel better and better as a result. The only thing you need to focus on are my words, because they sink so deeply into your mind and make you feel so wonderful. Your mind can be safely emptied, as you allow all your thoughts, worries, and cares to disappear, leaving your mind blank and empty, leaving you relaxed and at ease. Notice, how as your mind becomes completely empty, as your mind becomes completely blank, how as the rest of the world fades from your awareness, how my words continue to sink deeper and deeper, and become more and more powerful for you. The more powerful my words become, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more powerful my words become. Just letting my words become more and more powerful, so you can continue to feel better and better as a result. No thoughts. No feelings. No cares. No concerns. Just allowing my words to become more and more powerful, allowing my words to make you feel better and better. Just allow yourself to continue to follow my words, without question or hesitation, because you know that the more you follow my words, the better you feel, and the better you feel, the more you want to follow my words. And so now, I'm going to count down from ten to one, and as I do so, you're going to find that with each number that I say, that you drop twice as deep and feel twice as good. Starting with the number...

Ten. Feeling so good, feeling so relaxed, as you let my words become your thoughts, as you let my words become the only thing in your head.

Nine. So relaxed, so empty, to calm, so at ease. The more you follow my words, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more you want to follow my words.

Eight. My words are so powerful for you, and it feels so good to follow them. It's so natural, so automatic for you to follow my words, and do what they say, because it feels so good when you follow them.

Seven. Allowing my words to take over for you, allowing my words to guide you, because every word fills you with happiness and joy, and every word continues to take you deeper and deeper as you feel better and better.

Six. Noticing how you naturally move deeper and deeper, noticing how it's so normal and automatic for you to follow my words, because your body and mind already know what to do, and already know how to continue feeling better and better. All you need to do is continue following my words, as they continue to sink into the deepest parts of your mind and body, guiding you deeper and deeper, as you feel better and better.

Five. You already know that my words are always true for you, that my words are always the truth for you. You know that whatever my words describe, you instantly feel, see, hear, smell, and taste, exactly as it's described to you.

Four. You know that my words are your reality, and that your reality is made up of my words. You know that when I describe something to you, that you experience it, exactly as it is described to you.

Three. Feeling so good, feeling so overwhelmingly happy, as my words continue to take you deeper, as my words continue to make you feel better, as my words continue to sink into the deepest parts of your mind, as you continue to easily, automatically, and naturally follow them with no hesitation or resistance.

Two. So happy. So relaxed. So calm. So ready, so receptive, so open to everything my words tell you, because you're so eager to continue to follow my words, so eager to continue listening to my words, so eager to do what they tell you, because it feels so amazing to do so.

One. Finding yourself dropping so deep, feeling so good, as you become completely empty, completely relaxed, completely guided by my words, and feeling so good as they continue to instruct you further.

Very Good, it's much better now that your deep in this trance, this programming. It's time to finish it up now, I have a couple files for you to listen to once your completed my Slaves. Let your mind completely go, I think for you. Just get down on all fours and feel your brain being pumped full of hot air. Just say "No Resistance to Master James" I know you want to, and you need to. Go ahead and say it. Very Good Slave. Your Mind, Will, and body now belong to me is that Understood? Very Good. Now your task is to go back to the beginning and this induction again 10 times. Letting my Programming sink into your mind and become permanent as someone has tattooed "OWNED" onto your mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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