Friends Will Be Friends

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The ground was cold and hard beneath Dean's back. He could feel raindrops hitting his face. He tried to focus on that. He had to. It was better than thinking about what was happening, about what he was doing. And what he was doing was leaving Sammy alone. Again.

But he just couldn't fight it anymore. Everywhere burned as the poisonous venom spread through his body and there was a pain in his chest that was striving to keep him right there in reality.

He heard the splash of running footsteps and panicked. Not because it might be the beast returning, oh no- he knew it was much worse.


But it was better than Sammy seeing the pain and regret in Dean's eyes during his last few moments of life. He knew his heart would split in two if he had to see that.

“Dean?” Cas' voice echoed in Dean's ear as the angel ran to the hunter's side and kneeled down. “Dean, are you alright?”

“No, man, why else would I be laying here?” His voice was weak. “I can feel it going through my body, Cas... The venom... I'm done for...”

“Dean, you know I cannot heal you without my powers. You will die and there is no way I can stop it.”

“Yeah, Cas. I know.”

“Dean, I-... I'm sorry.”

“I understand. It's okay, I've been through with life and all hope is lost. And y'know, I've stared death in the face for so long I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.” Dean took a breath and searing hot pain sailed through his body. “Just... Tell Sam how sorry I am for leaving him...”

Castiel nodded, “I will ensure that he knows.”

“And Cas,” Dean forced out.


“I want you to know that I consider you a friend, despite all the hell we've been through. Literally. And... Well, thanks.”

No more words were exchanged. Dean held out his hand and Cas grabbed it, squeezing it comfortingly like he had Dean do to Sam once. Because friends will be friends, right to the end.

Then Dean's eyes slid shut.

Friends Will Be FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now