The spark that started it all.

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It was like a scene that you would visualize from a book. Perfect. One moment we were happy, jumping on a trampoline, the next, she was crying. We had gotten to deep talk, talking about our problems. That's what best friends do, I guess. Then her boyfriend came over. She pulled him up on the trampoline, and held him. He had asked her what was wrong, and she had replied, "I just really need you". The air filled with a silence, but not an awkward kind. A calm, beautiful silence. And I realized that was a perfect moment. Time stopped. And I felt the spark of inspiration. I need to write, draw, animate this moment. Something to capture it. So I wrote. I wrote desperately, but I couldn't capture it. It flew from me like a bird.



Ayyy! First writing thingy! I was honestly expecting my first writing to be a fanfic. :/

Any who, do you like? Please tell me in the comments if you happen to stumble across this! I will be writing more as inspiration comes to me. :3


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