Writers block

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I wrote and wrote until my brain just stopped. I couldn't write anymore. I had lost the ability, it seemed. Oh no. Oh hell no. I had writers block. That moment had run my brain into the ground as I had tried to write it down. This was going to be a problem. I got onto my phone and started talking to my friend Liz. She was one of my best friends, and I told her everything. As I went to text her, I saw all the texts she had texted me in another night of no sleep.

2:30 am.

Liz: "Heyyyyyy Gigi, did you know that unicorns and like amazing and poop sparkles."

Liz: "Gigi oh my god Gigi guess what I drank like 46378282 bottles of red bull and I'm going to fly holy shit G is this what heaven is"

Liz: "Aksjsjakkwjw GIGI I LICKED A CAT"


And many more like those. With a small chuckle, I sent her a text.

1:15 pm.

Gigi: "Wow Liz, what laws did you break last night?"

Liz: "Oh my god G that was an experience. Next time you come over you and I are drinking red bull and having a star wars marathon."

Gigi: "No way. I need help with my writers block."

Liz: "But I bet if you come over and have that star wars marathon, you'll get rid of it! //waggles eyebrows//"

Gigi: "NO"

Liz: "fine I guess I can't help.you then. //sticks out tongue//"

I sighed. Liz can be such a child sometimes. Fine. I guess it couldn't exactly hurt to hang out....

1:30 pm.

Gigi: "Fine. I'm coming over."

Liz: "YES"

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