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chapter twelve

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chapter twelve.
crescent city

THERE WAS A slight relief with Papa Tunde's death, that they wouldn't have to face him and his dark magic again. Esme had been relieved from that source of dark magic to who had been responsible for Papa Tunde's death and who had left him sitting in the middle of the compound with his white signature suit stained of his own blood after his throat had been slashed. He surrounded within a ring of salt, someone mimicking his ritual but no barrier surrounding him unlike it had with Rebekah.

From what Elijah could see as he examined Papa Tunde's corpse was that his blade was missing. The Mikaelson had been careful with what he had touched, he had slightly moved the blazer with the tip of his finger to find more of an explanation why Papa Tunde had been left in their home specifically. With how intensively Elijah had been searching of Papa Tunde's corpse it had caused Klaus his irritation as he had been watching his brother search for an empty note body. "Can I get you anything, brother? A magnifying glass, a pipe perhaps?" He asked wittingly causing Esme's eyes to roll as her hands rested on the hip of her maroon flare sleeve blazer but she had been getting impatient with why Elijah had been examining the body for so long.

"You have a theory you'd like to share with us, Niklaus?" Elijah questioned as his lips pressed into a thin line while looking up at his brother irritated just the same with how impatient that hybrid had been.

"Back in the day," Marcel spoke up. "the witches wanted to send a threat, they'd just kill a chucked and leave it on your doorstep." He explained and he wondered how times had changed.

"That's not a chicken, Marcel." Esme commented as she pointed directly to the human body in the middle of their home.

"Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease," Klaus reminded. "almost got the two of us as well. If he was supposed to be their prize fighter, why leave him for dead in our front yard?" He pondered as Esme shrugged lightly as she knew she couldn't think like any of the witches even though before she was a vampire, the blood of witches ran through her veins.

"Well," Rebekah had strutted into the compound after her wander through the French Quarter baring news she knew all three standing before her would've liked to have known. "don't you all look cheery." She quipped causing Esme to sigh as her hands fell from her hips. "Listen to this...a girl literally exploded from a grave today as Sabine was giving her tour of the city of the dead. It was Monique Deveraux."

Klaus' eyes widened. "What?"

As Papa Tunde had been killed and left in their home to be seen, Monique had resurrected one of the four Harvest girls who they had been waiting for to wake. "The tourists thought it was part of the show, but the witches are celebrating like it's some kind of bloody miracle." Rebekah added.

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