Chapter One

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"Someone give me something!" (Y.N) yelled as she slid the door open into the trauma room.

"Michael Reeds, 27, got shot in the chest at the shooting downtown!" One of the residents, Grace Ross, (Y.N) thought her name was, informed her. She watched as her residents worked on the man.

"Doctor (L.N), he's going into V-fib!" An intern panicked.

"Well, don't just stand there!" (Y.N) yelled in frustration, and walked over to the bulky machine. She picked up the paddles and stood over the patient. "Charge to 400." She heard the humming sound of electricity in the paddles. "Clear!" She placed the paddles on the patient's chest and press, shooting the electricity into the chest cavity. (Y.N) looked at the screen for any pulse. "Shit!" She commanded the nearby nurse to charge to 500, and tried again. The replacement of the tone to steady beeps gave her a moment of relief. "Get him to a room and fill out his chart."

"Yes, Doctor (L.N)." Ross said.

"Wow..." The same intern, a young man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, sighed. "That was amazing. Did you see all see those reflexes?"

"Well, you've got a lot more to learn from her." Wyatt, (Y.N)'s best friend, walked into the trauma room and put a hand on her shoulder. "This doctor right here is one of our best: Doctor (Y.N) (L.N)" (Y.N) sighed heavily and put her hands on her hips, bouncing her shoulders. The interns started whispering to each other. (Y.N) was famous for having a really good ratio between her successes and failures, and for her (L.N) method.

"Welcome to Hope Medical, everyone." She walked out of the trauma room, adjusting her white coat to fit onto her shoulders. She walked to the pit with her chin held high.(Y.N) was a surgeon; She was supposed to have a little ego. What do you expect?

Her full name was (Y.N) (L.N). She was an attending and the head of the cardiothoracic department at New York Hope Medical Hospital. However, that was not always the case. She came from a parallel universe: Mid-World. She was a sorceress, and a powerful one, but she gave that life up decades ago. Now, she dedicates her time to helping people and saving lives.

She smiled at new interns as they passed her. They were so excited and enthusiastic. Let's hope their residents know what they are doing. They were starting their internship at this great hospital, and they were sure to enjoy it, no matter how challenging surgery can get. Surgery is how they thrive, how they maintain their sanity. One does not simply go through such rigorous training for nothing. (Y.N) made her way towards the cafeteria. This is the first meal she has had in two days.

"(Y.N)." Wyatt called and jogged next to her. He slowed down once he met her speed. "You did good today, taking charge."

"I do that everyday, Wyatt." She said without turning towards him. "I'm a surgeon for god's sake." She has been forced to take charge when others are being stupid. That was most of the time.

Hope Medical was ranked the third best hospital and learning hospital in the country, after a couple hospitals who's names are not that important. We are most commonly known for our cardiothorasic and pediatric medical care. Both of which, (Y.N) took part in. She started out as wanting to go with a cardiothorasic fellowship, but the tiny people were too precious to give up. Of course, heart surgery was her main priority, but the children are not to far away from that spot.

"Doctor (L.N), Kevin is looking for you." A nurse called. Looks like my meal will have to wait.

"Tell him I'll be right there." She said, waving her off.

"Ooh, your popular today." (Y.N) glanced at Wyatt before looking back in front of her and smiling.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Kevin was one of the peds floor's favourite patients. He had been attending Hope Medical since he was two years old; he was now nine. She was acutally excited to see him. When she started her shift that morning, she had told Kevin's parents some amazing news: a donor who was a match to Kevin came through. (Y.N) knew exactly what Wyatt meant. She had been requested a good four times today by both kids and adults.

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