Witch's House True Ending: Viola

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The immense amount of pain raced throughout my body in a never ending circle. From my gauged out eyes to my burning throat and my hacked off legs, I couldn't focus on anything else but retrieving my body back from Ellen. She had ran away from me, acting as if she was the victim and I was the monster in this unforgivable situation... I had felt horrible for her... I was so ignorant for offering her my body for a day...

Ellen's blonde braids trailed behind her as she passed the corner towards the front door. I constantly stayed on her tail, hoping she would feel some sort of pity and return to me what once was mine. Quickly turning the knob, Ellen ran out of her own home and into the night, fleeing from my sight. I forced the weak body I was trapped in to continue moving, even it couldn't withstand any more motions.

Pushing past the slightly ajar door, the dark knight sky lining the infinite forest greeted me with an unepexcted hello. My mind instantly fell onto my father who was hunting hours before... My last moments with him were filled with him yelling at me for something I couldn't even remember now... All I knew was that memory was the most recent one that I had of him, so I held it close to me.

I could hear the soft footsteps sprinting away from me and hitting the ground with a light 'thud.' Pressing my fingertips into the dirt, I pushed forward, repeating the motion until I became closer to the witch herself. I was determined to follow her to the edge of the world and back... Anything to get back to Father again...

Lost in thought, I wasn't able to stay behind Ellen. I had lost her in the midst of my thinking and clenched my teeth from the horrible decision I had made. There was an obvious path, but I didn't really think Ellen would have followed it... Though, after a little closer inspection, I was able to make out fresh footprints in the trail. I trudged forward, using whatever strength was left in my arms to reach the body thief.

Following the path scored me a lucky chance. I heard the gentle breathing and footsteps of Ellen not too far away from me. I could almost feel the freedom she had stolen from me.

Suddenly, the frantic footsteps slowed and came to a halt. Ellen let out a small huff of air, while pivoting on her heels to face me. "Ghg... gha... hh... hh..." I couldn't form any words with such a ruined throat. I wanted my body back... I wanted my life back... I didn't want this pain anymore... Yet, still I had tried to speak. "Ghg... zgh..."

"Boy, you're stubborn." She giggled, walking closer towards me. She had rested her foot on my head, signifying she was the dominant one in this predator/prey outcome. Removing her foot, I thought she would turn around and run off, but instead she kicked me, sending me a few inches back.

"How long are you going to chase me?" Ellen asked, sounding irritated and annoyed. Then she let out an evil, low chuckle. "You know that body won't last long." She muttered to me. I ignored her attempts to put me down.

She began to walk away from the legless, weak corpse I was. "...gra... uhh... uff..." I hated that I couldn't even spit out a simple sentence. I demanded my body back... but I didn't have the ability to tell her so... "Hm... 'Give it back?' No way." She paused, adding to the tense atmosphere around us. "This body hurts much less." Her devilish smile spread from ear to ear. My mind began to race... The pain which had numbed suddenly uproared and intensified, resurrecting like a crimson phoenix.

I struggled for breath, gasping for air as I arched up this sickened body towards the sky. The searing pain from my throat reached my mouth, making talking much harder for me. The two big holes in my face continued to leak the warm red liquid. The purple bangs clung to my face, sticking to the mixture of sweat and blood upon the surface of the skin. The large wounds from my lack of legs poured out what seemed like an ocean of blood. I could feel the clothing I wore cling to the stumps. Dragging the useless limbs around had caused me an even greater amount of pain than just the open wound.

Noticing my misery, Ellen laughed than slowly approached me once again. "Besides... You gave it to me in the first place. Why should I have to give it back?" She argued. I couldn't help but think she sounded crazy as I couldn't make out a word to respond. It was as if she was keeping up a one-sided conversation with herself. Rather than looking humorous... It creeped me out... "Right? ...Viola?" The way she said my name sent shivers down my spine. I tried to brush it off, returning to the fact that my primary objective was to retrieve my body.

"You felt so sorry for me. I couldn't even move from my bed." Ellen began to tell as she took small steps in the opposite direction from me. She clasped her hands together. "That's why I used my magic to trade bodies with you." She paused, as if recalling something. "Just for a day? ...Heehee. I guess I did say that." Ellen snickered. I growled out in spite of her.

"I was suprised you could trap me with my own power... but, to no avail." She raised the pitch in her voice at the end of her sentence. "After all, it's my house, yes? It wouldn't be killing me anytime soon. I was guided by that house all the way. So I was ensured to escape." Ellen announced. Ellen paused, as if waiting for something magical to happen. I continued my staggered breathing. "Still not dead?" She questioned in a playful tone. "I have to applaud your tenacity." She finished.

Suddenly, Ellen gasped as if figuring out the answer to the puzzle. "Ah, could it be..." Her voice trailed off and the beating in my chest quickened. I didn't want her to do anything to Father... "Are you that worried about your father?" I was mortified, terrified into thinking she could read my mind and thoughts. She turned away from me. "Oh, I know. You and your father, Viola. A close family of two." I wanted her to stop speaking. I wanted her to disappear. I wanted her to never find my father...

"Those memories stayed in your body. He's a kind man. A hunter, isn't he?" I felt violated... Ellen could enter my most precious memories... And I couldn't do a thing to stop her. "And he even sent you that letter. What a good father." I wish I had known what letter she was talking about... I wanted to read the letter... I wanted to see Father's hand writing again...

Ellen turned back and walked to me again. "So then, I suppose you're wondering about what'll happen when you're gone?" She stopped, as if waiting for me to retort to such a theoretical question. "It'll be just fine. I'll give him Viola's share of love. And I'll take her share of love, too." She giggled innocently. "So..." She was about to start speaking, when a voice rang out and was calling for me. "Viola?" The wonderful voice was like music to my ears... I wanted so badly to feel Father's warm embrace again.

Ellen turned around to face my father. When he identified it was my body, he began to run towards her and she met him halfway. My heart ached, taking away from the actual pain I felt. "Viola?! Are you safe?! Are you hurt anywhere?" My father questioned Ellen, grasping her shoulders and checking around for any blood or wounds. She broke out of his gasp in an instant and ran up beside him. Startled, he muttered, "Wh-What?! Why..." His eyes searched the horizon and when he laid eyes on me, his pupils dilated.

The corners of my mouth tugged up towards the stars in the dark space above. I wanted to speak to him again... Let him know of the horrible witch next to him... "Fh... fha... aa... th..." The words 'Father' were caught in my throat and unable to form correctly. I tried to muster up the most humane noises possible... But I failed. "Dh... dha... di..." I desperately attempted to call him 'Daddy,' pushing myself forward to greet him with open arms. But he dashed forward with a frightened look on his face and aimed the gun at me. I couldn't breathe, shocked and scared like never before.

"ST-STAY AWAY, MONSTER!!" Father spat out, stuttering out of fear. My heart shattered into a million pieces... The word, 'MONSTER!!' swam around in my head, haunting me. Tears formed at the brims of my eye sockets. Reaching out a shaky hand for Father, I thought 'I love you, Daddy.' as the warm tears fell down my cheeks. The last image I ever saw was the petrified look that he wore from setting eyes on the atrocity known as his little girl...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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