chapter 13

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               Lauren's POV

Demi gave me my phone back, and she hooked up the house phone again since Camila and I agreed we wouldnt call the police on them, she said I can leave if I want but I dont want to. I got so used to being here and everything that I dont want to leave I told her that and she is fine with it. I asked her if Camila is leaving but she said that is between Marissa and Camila and I said ok. Right now, I am texting back everyone that has texted me which is my mom, my dad, Taylor, Chris, Ally, Dinah, Normani and some of my other friends that have texted me. I told them I was ok and that I am safe since half my messages where was I and am I ok. Demi asked me on a date yesterday and I agreed, I know you are wondering why I would go out on a date with my kidnapper but she had a reason and it was dumb at first but whatever because I wouldnt be going on a date with or anything. I still dont get why Demi didnt just talk to me or something when she saw me on the street instead of taking me, I never asked her I might later today or tomorrow since I odnt want to ruin today. I got knocked out of my thoughts by Marissa coming into my room, Demi said that I can have my room but more likely I will be in her bedroom.

"Hey shouldnt you be getting ready for you date" she said

"yea I will areound 5pm"

 "you do realize it is 6" she said making me look at the clock which made me jump up and ran to the bathroom

"shit I am going to be late, she said to be ready by 8" I said

"you do relize that yall live in the same house so wont be late just at getting ready'

"whatever" I said getting into the shower. When I got out of the shower and got dried, I wrapped my town around me before going back into my room and got dressed. I am floral white crop, black jeans, and heels. I straightned my hair and did my makeup, when it was near 8 I heard someone knock on my door and I knew that it was Demi. I got up and unpluged my straighter before walking to the door and saw Demi when I opened it.

"You look beautiful she said

"not as beautiful as you" I said which made her blush. She is wearing  black tanktop,  white jacket, black jeans, black  heels. We walked out the house after saying bye to Camila and Marissa and got to the car.

         Demi's POV

When we got to the restaurant, I took a hold of her hand before walking in. After we ate we went to the car and she said she is stuffed which made me giggle a little at her face that she just made.

"Well the day isnt over yet" I said when she said that she had a good time with me

"were we going now"

"you know how you wanted to see that new purge movie"


"well we are going to go see it" I said which made her squall

"yay I thought you going to wait and buy the movie"

"nope" I said when we pulled into the movie theater. After we watched the movie  and got back into the car, I drove home, the movie was good and Lauren started falling asleep at the end. I am going to buy the movie when it comes out on dvd since Lauren missed the end. When we got to the house, I picked up Lauren and she pu her arms around my neck, I unlocked the door and opened it which was a little hard before taking Lauren to her bed. When I went to walk off she grabbed my hand which made me look at her.

"stay with me" she said

"ok just let me go change"

"ok I need too change as well"

"ok" I said walking out. After I changed I went back into Lauren;s room to see that she has changed and is now getting back into bed, I got in the bed beside her, she cuddled into me and I wwrapped my arms around her.

"I had a good time" she said

"me too can you see us having another date"

"I can see many more" she said which made smile, I kissed the top of her head before putting my head down, not long after I felled asleep.

Kidnapped by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now