Not as he seems

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Author's Note:

Hi, I'm obesehomingpigeon *waves*. This is my first story, so sorry if it sucks...

This is a work of fanfiction, some characters were created by me and some are owned by DC.

This is not canon. So if I offend you I am truly sorry. This is just me playing around with a character I adore.

Hope you enjoy


Detective Jim Gordon had seen a lot of strange cases, he did live in Gotham afterall, but this, this was insane. Detective Gordon had gotten the assignment from Captain Jones and had thought it was beneath him to investigate a simple school fight. But when he'd seen the photos of the victim, bloody and mutilated but still breathing, he knew he had to investigate. The story seemed simple enough, one kid hit the other, but it was so much more than that. Gordon opened the case file and read:

Name: Michael "Mike" Gaines
Age: 17
Sex: Male

Name: Edward "Ed" Nashton
Age: 12
Sex: Male

Gordon rubbed his brow, how could a twelve year-old beat a kid like Mike? He was five years younger, and two hundred pounds lighter, it just didn't make sense. There has to be more, Gordon searched thought the files. Report cards, teacher recommendations, everything claimed Ed was a model student. There has to be something to this kid. Gordon kept digging through the files on Ed Nashton until he found what he was looking for. The hardrive was in between case files and was marked with a bright green "N", for Nashton. Gordon plugged the drive into his GCPD issue laptop, and opened the computer file. The file had three items: A transcript, a recording of the interrogation, and the case file. After a few moments, Gordon opened the recording and the transcript, then he read.

Interrogator: Dective Harvey Bullock
Perpetrator: Edward Nashton
Crime: Aggravated Assault
Date: April 27, 1994
Time: 5:32 p.m.

Gordon sighed and skipped the footage until he came upon the interrogation.

Detective Harvey Bullock was standing menacingly over a metal table yelling at a scrawny boy with big glasses and wirey brown hair, "I'm going to ask you one more time, punk! Did you or did you not put Michael Gaines in the hospital?" Ed Nashton seemed to shrink underneath Bullock's words, but the boy still shouted, "It wasn't me!" The boy vehemently stated, "It was the voice! He did it!" Bullock's voice softened as he crossed over to Ed's side of the table, and said, "Oh, it was the voice. Well you're free to go." Ed shuddered in relief and held the handcuffs up, "Are you insane?" Bullock screamed, "You think just cause you put the blame on some mystical voice," Bullock threw his hands in the air, "that I'm just gonna let you go!"

Gordon paused and sat still for a moment, Bullock was treating this kid like a dealer. Please don't do anything stupid, Bullock. Gordon took a breath, and pressed play.

Bullock banged his fist on the table and shouted, "You must be crazy, kid!" Ed looked like he was about to cry, but he yelled right back, "I told you it wasn't me!"

Gordon smiled, and whispered, "The kid has balls, I'll give him that."

Ed looked Bullock in the eye and quietly said, "Please, just let me explain." Bullock seemed to soften a bit, and in a surprising turn of events said, "Ed, you seem like a good kid," The boy shuddered with relief, until Bullock said, "So I'm going to give you five minutes to explain, before I send your ass to juvy."

Gordon rubbed his neck and sighed, this kid isn't gutter, Bullock. Watch your profanity.

The kid gulped, literally gulped, and started to speak, "Well it was just like any other A-day, I was walking to A.P. Chemistry, you see I'm only twelve but I'm taking coll-" Bullock slammed the table, interrupting Ed, and tapped his watch, "Times a ticking, Eddie." The boy cringed at the name, "Yes sir," Ed shifted a bit in his seat, "Well just like any other A-day my walk to A.P. Chem was interrupted by Mike." For once, Bullock didn't seem to have anything to say, "As usual, Mike called my name and pushed me against the wall." Ed swallowed, "I'm used to the punches, but this time," The boy was starting to choke up, "This time, the punches were harder, lasted longer."

Gordon looked closely at Nashton's face and finally noticed the bruises lacing his throat.

A single tear fell down Ed's cheek as he whispered, "And it hurt," he swallowed, "It hurt so bad." The tears were falling more recklessly now, but Ed seemed to harden with the pain, "Then the voice, it spoke." After a few moments, Bullock broke the silence, "What did the voice say?" Ed looked at the camera, as if he knew someone else was watching, "He said he could end the pain."

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