home coming

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Sooooo i may or may not have signed up for home coming to run as a princess and know some of u guys might be think its supposed to a home coming queen and home coming usually only for high school wellll my school is a middle school and a high school so they do it for both,and i am competing against all the 7th grade girls to be the "princess"{im in 7th grade} the six graders has to compete again the other six grader 8th graders have to compete with each other etc. Here are the ranks to compete in middle school so if ur in six grade the u will have to compete with the others to became the duchses and the will have to compete to be the dukes,for 7th grade girl will have to comepete to the princess and the boys will comepete to the prince's and for the 8th grade girls have to compete against each to be the queens and the boy the kings etc. Im actually kinda scared i dont think i will win tho well thats really all cya :p

Edited:i just remembered....i dont know how to dance......im fucked

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