Do you wanna delete these

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Just add in your name and your crushes name!! 

                                                 Hey is Math homework? :(Your name)

(Crushes name): You have too read that's it

You used the wrong to :(Your name)

(Crushes name): Its fine I aced the Math test

You bullshitted your way through that one:(Your name)

You literally walked into the class that morning :(Your name)
asking how to calculate area of a fricken circle

(Crushes name): Ikr I'm pretty cool

Ok I have an actual real question :(Your name)

Do you like Katie :(Your name)

(Crushes name): Only as a friend

Ok, night:(Your name)

(Crushes name): Goodnight
Read: 10:32pm

11:36~ (Crushes name): I'm might unsend this later but

(Crushes name): Can I confess something to you?

Yeah? :(Your name)

(Crushes name): I like you

Is this a prank:(Your name)

(Crushes name): No

I swear to god if this is a fucking dare:(Your name)

(Crushes name): It isnt

I still think this is a joke or dare or something:(Your name)
but I think I like you to

I swear to god i'll hurt you if this is a prank:(Your name)

Oh shit i'm a hypocrite I used the wrong to:(Your name)

(Crushes name): Do you want to delete these

Its up to you?:(Your name)

(Crushes name): Yes please

Ok :(Your name)

You Deleted 8 messages

(Crushes name) Deleted 8 messages

Hey is Math homework? :(Your name)

(Crushes name): You have too read that's it

You used the wrong to :(Your name)

(Crushes name): Its fine I aced the Math test

You bullshitted your way through that one:(Your name)

You literally walked into the class that morning :(Your name)

asking how to calculate area of a fricken circle

(Crushes name): Ikr I'm pretty cool

Ok I have an actual real question :(Your name)

Do you like Katie :(Your name)

(Crushes name): Only as a friend

Ok, night:(Your name)

(Crushes name): Goodnight
Read 11:57pm

Based on a real experience lol help
Hope you liked it
f you have any suggestions for a one shot please let me know!

Thanks xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2018 ⏰

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