chapter 1

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A/n im sorry if there is any grammar mistake tho! Dont forget to leave some comment and let hear your thoughts on it. Enjoy!

People spend their time doing what they enjoy when they are not working or studying.

For her, a book and a cup of warm coffee always make her day and keep her calm. Almost moments like this makes her crave for lying under the star and be able to stretched out her limbs and let her thoughts dive into a lot of things, But thats all just a dream for her because she's currently doing her homework before going to bed.

She's trying to stiffle yet another yawn after hours of studying. She looked up from her work,
Her head is throbbing from how much of homework she had to get done in one night.

Like seriously how can a 16 years old kid have this so many homework.

"Ughh" she groans softly, i think thats for today she mutter under her breath.

She tried as best as she could to answer that freaking math question but its seems that her brain can't function enough to think how to solve that question.

She closed her book and put it away in her school backpack because she honestly didnt care if she got scolded by the teacher.

Then she proceded to the bathroom to brush her teeth and stumbled onto bed and get comfortable under the sheets and wish tomorrow will be better then today.

Oh boy was she's very wrong.
If she had know tomorrow will change her life for good.

Little did she know..

[ the next day ]

" ringg!.. ringg!... ringg!.." the alarm snoozed, shattered her peacefull sleep as she tiredly roll over the bed while cursing softly under her pillow. She reach out her hand blindly to located the alarm and shut it off.

When she notice the time it was already 6:45 am, oops "im gonna be late" she quickly rushed to the bathroom and get ready for school in record time. She wear her uniform, comb her hair before making it to a ponytail And procced to go downstairs, to the kitchen to make some coffee. she didnt bother to make some breakfast because she usually skip breakfast and her parents wasn't always at home obviously bussy with work.

That's why she lost the love she had with her parents.

She pour her coffee into the portable coffee cup before grabbing her keys and making her ways out of the house. She lock the door before getting into the car and drive to the school.

The drive only takes about 10 minutes to get there. She connect her phone to the AUX cord and hit play to her morning playlist while singing softly to the lyrics.

Another thing you should know about her that, she love music 🎶🎵 For her music its not just a bunch of people who just saying the word with melody or just going with the rythme of the beat. Music for her its like a deeper meaning to get acroos a message to people out there. Ok moving on.

With a lot of singing and acting like a fool she finnaly made it to school

She got to her school parking lot and park her car before quickly grab her school stuff with her and went into the hell hole. "Welp here it goes" she said to herself.


Its seems like a life time for her to count down the time when the school end. Its not that she doesn't enjoy school but ermm.. yeah who she's kidding.. it IS NOT FUN AT ALL. Its giving her anxiety, stressful with assigment and all the things that a teenager didnt ask for.

As the last bell ring she quickly shove her textbook and walked out the classroom heading towards her locker.

As she was opening her locker, a girl suddenly shouted "BOO!!" beside her when she's trying to put all the books that she didnt need to bring home. "Ahh!" Startled she clutch her chest as she trying to calm her heart rate.

It happened to be her bestfriend.

Glared at the girl beside her, she looked around and shoot some apologetic look to the people who are listening and looking at them before she smack the back of her friend head.

" you mofo! You almost give me a heart attack geez" she roll her eyes.
Frowning her friend said " you no fun"

" yeah apperently scaring people and giving them a heart attack is joyfull thing" she said. You obviously can hear the sarcasm in her words. As her shut close her locker, she turn to her friend and said " what do you want?" She ask tiredly

"Well turn that frown upside down ma fwend! You're such a grumpy person" her friend said with a smirk

" anyways im asking you for a coffee tomorrow at this new cafe downtown for us to check it out" she innocently asked.

you start walking to your own car while your bestfriend catch up with you because you always give her a ride afterschool.

"Hmm sure, why not" she said.

It was just a matter of time that she going out, also its weekend which is she have nothing better to do then doing some lame homework. On the other hand a cup of warm coffee ofcourse.

As she trying to find her car keys in her backpack. Her bestfriend exclaimed.

"YASS! You will not regret this" said with a little fist pump in the air. Unlocking the car you quickly getting into the car and start the engine and make your way out of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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