Tomorrow we're making a video!?

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The other four personas finally finished their food, the slow pokes, Thomas came into our little mind palace. To be clear the mind palace is basically Thomas's home with an extra room for videos.

"How's it going everyone!" Thomas said a little too enthusiastic

"You need something from us don't you" Logan chimed in (WITH A HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE G** DA*M DOOR)

Thomas looked a little flustered "Let's just say, twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been blowing up about (Y/N) and Deceit's unexpected arrival..."

Is he going to do another Sander Sides video?

"So I thought we could make another Sander Sides video, but answering the fans questions" He finished up his sentence.

This could be fun! It would be my first, planned, Sander Sides video! Plus I kind of want to see what people want to ask about me. I know the obvious one will probably be 'How come Patton didn't show you to us?' but you never know!

"When will this take place?" Patton asked visibly worried about something

"Tomorrow morning at the earliest, the day after tomorrow at the latest" Thomas replied

Patton looked visibly relieved, but he soon tensed up again when Thomas mentioned that Deceit would have to come for the video for questions to be answered. I honestly don't mind, Deceit isn't such a bad guy when you put it into perspective.

"You know a lot could go wrong since (Y/N) has never been in one of the Sander Sides videos, well at least planned..." Virgil said clearly anxious about the video

"Cheer up Virgil! Everything will be okay!" Patton and I said in unison

I think Virgil will be okay, but I have my suspicions about him and Patton. They have both been really uptight lately and won't tell me why. They've told everyone else but me! I've started to worry if I did something wrong to make them not share this with me. I could understand if they wanted to protect me, but flinching every time I bring it up is a little to far. I need to get my mind off of this, it's not healthy. Oh my gerd I just realized I made two puns subconsciously, Patton raised me well. Ha ha.. ha? I haven't been feeling right after I ate those pancakes. I knew I should've gone with the full twenty! What was I thinking! Now I'm going to be hungry all day and lunch won't be for another four hours! Why is early nom nom time so far away from mid-day nom nom time! Sigh I guess I can make it.

Virgil's P.O.V

I've gotten better at hiding my real thoughts, but this I think everyone but (Y/N) understood. Having Deceit in a video, for fun, could be a huge problem. He could try and kidnap Patton again, or just overall take over the mind palace while we're recording. At this point I'm hyperventilating. Deceit could even kill one of us! Why would Thomas think this was a good idea! Okay, okay I need to calm down, breath in eight, hold, release seven. Much better I feel a little calmer, only a little though. There are still countless things that could go wrong with this. Some I'm just to lazy to mention because, well, who wants to take time out of their day just to go into detail about something.

I knew that I was going to feel uncomfortable with everyone enjoying each other's company so I just excused myself to my room. How I love my room, spiders, the dark side of Disney, and darkness altogether. Paradise. I ran to my bed and just plopped right onto it, I'll just end today like that. No need to stay awake for people preparing a video which I probably won't be needed in.

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