SANI THE THIEF(Situation 1)

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( 11:00pm at Mr. Milly's well fortified house located in a G.R.A in north eastern Nigeria. His dog was barking uncontrollably).

Mina: What is making this dog to bark this way.(to herself)

(Tsk tsk tsk tsk the footsteps of an unknown person was heard on the Veranda while the dog's barking became more vicious )

Mina: (shivers in fear) whose footsteps could that be? maybe its a thief! an armed robber!! Oh! God please help us!!! (she whispered all these to herself).

(The footsteps kept on approaching, and the Dog barked the more )

Mr. Milly: Waye a wurin? Who is there?

Unknown voice: Bye! bye!!

Mr. Milly: ka saya! ka jira ni!! Just wait for me there stupid thief.

(Mr. Milly took a big stick and was making for the door)

Mina & Mrs. Milly : Daddy please come back! Let's just leave our doors locked and stay inside, the thief can't break in.

(Mr. Milly moves faster, not minding his wife and daughter, he grabbed the keys and opened the door. Mina and Mrs. Milly followed him holding a torch and a lantern respectively).

Mr Milly: Ina ka ke? Where are you foolish thief.

( he kept cursing while following the dog, searching round the house for the thief. Just behind the pillar in the car park he saw a figure trying to hide, he raised his stick and landed it....Bam!!! On the thief's head.

The thief: Wayo Allahna na shiga uku

( the thief let out a shout and ran out, Mr. Milly chased after him, hitting him with his big stick anytime he gets close to him.)

Mrs. Milly &Mina: Barawo! Barawo! Neighbours please help us! Barawo! Barawo!

(The thief jumped and clutched to the fence trying hard to escape while Mr. Milly kept hitting him with his big stick. While they were still on that, the thief took Mr. Milly unawares, he jumped down and pushed Mr. Milly real hard, Mr. Milly went off balance and fell into a nearby gutter. On seeing that Mrs. Milly ran and pushed the thief with great force and before the thief could realize he was laying flat on the ground and Mrs. Milly was right a top him pressing him real hard).

Mrs. Milly: (still pinning the thief down) Mina help your dad out of the gutter then run to the boy's quarters and call Ibro.

(Before she could help him out he was already out, he picked his stick to give the thief yet another hit but Mrs. Milly blocked it with her hand )

Mrs. Milly: Don Allah ka barshi. Please leave him he is already bleeding too much. Ka na so ka kashey shi ne?.

Mina: Ibro! Ibro! ( she banged the door, calling and shouting his name almost breathlessly).

Ibro: Yaya? Waye a wurin? What is it? Who is there?

Mina: Ibro zo da sauri Barawo! Barawo! Please be fast

(Before she could finish Ibro was already running towards the main house, she followed behind him running as fast as she could)

Sani the thief(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now