Chapter 2

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Audry's POV

I got in the car and hooked my bluetooth up to listen to some of my favorite songs. I turned on some All Time Low and the first one that came on was Six Feet under the Stars. This is one of my all time favorite songs by them and it was just great! We drove by the gas station, on our way to meet Kate to pick them up. I was overly giddy and I could barely hold myself together! We pulled up at the gas station and sat for about five minutes until I saw her red car pull up next to ours. I jumped out of the car and started squealing while jumping up and down. We did the happy dance together with our moms taking pictures and videos... I'm not mad cus why be embarrassed at being happy!?

"Oh my god! I'm SO excited!!!" she stated while grinning from war to ear. We got in my car and drove to the airport while jamming out to music. I'm really surprised I'm not tired! I should be so exhausted but, IM NOT! We pulled up to the airport and jumped out of the car as if our life depended on it. My mom tried to explain that we still had an hour until we boarded the plane, but we were so pumped with adrenalin that we didn't even care!

We got through security and decided to go grab some coffee and at the moment, that sounded perfect! We all ordered from the cutie behind the counter. When my name was called I walke up and grabbed my cup. I turned it around and found his number on the back. I'm honored but, honestly, I'm not that low to just give a guy my number because he made me a good cup of coffee. Sure! He was cute! But I don't feel comfortable giving just anyone my number. We went and sat down while sipping on our coffee. It felt good going down my throat, while heating up my body. I grabbed my jacket out of my bag since the coffee just wasn't enough. I'm happy I remembered to pack one in my carry on. I slipped it on and just after, I heard London, England was beginning to board. I jumped up with pure excitement! We walked down the corridor that led to the plane. As soon as we got on, Kate and I started going through the tour sites that we absolutely have to go to! We started going down the run way, gaining speed by the second, and we finally lifted off the ground. Kate and I started dozing off and eventually fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to find Kate had put her head on my shoulder. It wasnt weird since we've practically been sisters since 3rd grade. So we've been best friends for around ten years I think! I fell back asleep to the sound of Ed sheeran singing sweet melodys into my ears...

I woke up To hearing we only had 10 minutes till landing. It was 9:45 am and I couldn't wait to get off that plane since the seats weren't very comfortable. I slipped my UGGS back on and turned my phone off. We landed and Kate and I looked at each other and litterally flipped out! We jumped out of our seats and ran of the plane being the first ones off. While we walked down the hall way we could hear screaming. The closer we got, the louder it got. We looked out and saw tons of signs and posters being held by girls in painted t-shirts while they jumped up and down. We could hear music playing but I didn't really recognize it. We kept walking and when we got to the end we saw girls were standing behing ropes, and body guards. We kept walking and when I looked back I saw my mom and Ms. Melissa. They smiled and when i jumped up and down! They stopped for a second and looked at us confused.

"Girls! Didn't you love this song when you guys were 13?" my mom asked as she approached us. I thought for a second and listened.  

"If only you saw what I could see, you'd understand why I want you so desperatly. Right now I'm looking at you and i cant believe."THATS IT!!!! I REMEMBER!!!! The radio was playing it! I looked at Kate and sang, "You dont know, Oh Oh!" She grinned and joined in with me, "You dont kniw your beautiful!" We sang in perfect unison. Right at that moment, all those nights I spent watching the video diaries and laughing at things that I've heard 20 times before all fled back into my mind. Kate and i started saying some of the funny things we rememebered from the video diaries such as, "SHE'S MINE! I'm putting my hat on what the hell does it look like? Ummmm... I play the triangle... doodle doodley ey doo! triangle triangle triangle..." It was fun to remember that stuff, but it quickly escaped my mind when we walked out of the airport and got on the Big Red Bus. Ofcourse, we chose the upper deck and looked around at the  magnifacent sites. I took my iPhone out and took  picture of Kate and I with the Big Ben behind us. We eventually came to a stop and had to get off the bus, since it was our hotel.

We walked through the doors to see a contemporary decorated lobby. It had dark chocolate hard wood floors, with cream colored walls. We went and checked in and as soon as we got up stairs, I took my UGGS off and flopped onto the bed. I was SO exhausted that even though we were in London, all i wanted to do was sleep. Kate followed my lead and snuggled under the covers. I put my head phones in and fell asleep to All Time Low. I eventually fell into a deep and hipnotizing sleep...

I woke up the next morning to my mom and Ms. Melissa talking about how we are going to have so much fun! I fluttered my eyes open to see the sun streaming through the windows... Good. I didnt want my first day in London to be full of rain and clouds. I rose my head from the feathered pillows and took a look around the room. I guess i didnt really take a full look at the hotel room. It had a big kitchen with a stove, microwave, and oven. There was a big window that had a perfect view of the London Eye and the Big Ben. Seconds later Kate woke up and ran to the window and stood by me. We were grinning from ear to ear at the site of the beautiful city.

"Hey girls, we have a surprise for you." My mother stated with enthusiasm in her voice. Kate and I looked at each other, we both had wide eyes. I guess you could say we were nervous. We went and sat on the couch that was infront of our moms. We sat there for a second while Ms. Melissa and my mom smiled like two five year olds!

"So, are you going to tell us or..." Kate said while giggleing in between words. Our moms looked at each other and smiled.

"Well... We bought you guys tickets for Dublin..." Ms. Melissa said while trailing off. Kate and I's eyes litterally grew to the size of golfballs.

Kate's POV

"Wh-what!" I stuttered. Had our moms just said that we got tickets to Dublin? I had to re-run the last minute in my head a few times... I had loved Dublin and the culture! Audry was standing there in shock looking at me, all i could do was look at her. After a few moments Audry released overexcitement by waking me up from my day dream.  "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" We screamed at the top of our lungs! We started jumping on the beds, and rolling on the floor with excitement coursing through our veins! "WAIT!" I yelled, making Audry freeze. "When do we leave?" Our moms lookes at us with smirks... "In thirty minutes... Pack a bag thats good for a whole week!" they said. I looked at Audry, who looked at me. "Lets go!" she screamed! I was was in such shock that she had to grab my hand and pull me over to our suit cases.Of course Audry did my make-up, since I'm not the best in that department! After she was done she picked out an out fit for me. It was a white floral top that was a crop top thats as tight fitting, and a high wastd light lavender skirt to make the flowers pop! She had me wear a pair of white vans to match the outfit, and a lavender head band. I LOVED IT! I thanked her and got dressed. She looked stunning as aslways, wearing a pair of jean shorts with a cute floral top and her aviators. I always felt so insecure around her... I looked in the mirror and decided to leave my hair natural and go with the curls. I guess Audry did a really good job, because I think I looked gorgeous! A soon as we were done, we ran out the hotel room, into the lobby, and out the door. We waved goodbye to London, which we would soon be returning to.

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