Chapter 31

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Disclaimer - not trying to hurt anyone here

"Hello" a girl who sounded so familiar said

"Hello, where's brad" jen was so confused, why was there a girl answering brads phone and why did she know her voice

"Oh Jen he's just in the bathroom" she whispered

"Who r u and why r u answering brads phone and why r u whispering" Jen said raising her voice a little bit

"Oh it's better that u didn't know who I am"

"No tell me, who are you and what r u doing"

"Oh brads coming I have to go byeeee"

"No don't"

She throw his phone on the couch but didn't end the call so Jen could still her everything, she heard the door unlock and open

"ANGIE WHAT R U DOING HERE" brad practically yelled

"ANGIE" Jen whispered

"I'm here to see u brad, I thought we could hang out" Angie said very sexually


"Come on brad I'm serious" Angie said

"Yeah and so am I" brad started to raise his voice

Angie walked over to brad and kissed him, it didn't last very long before brad pushed her away

Jen heard them kissing on the other side, she couldn't believe his cheating on her again all these years later after they got divorced mainly bc of it with the same women

Then she heard them start to speak again

"Angie get off, u can't just rock up and try to get me to fall in love with u again it's not gonna happen" brad said almost yelling again

"Y not" Angie said

"Bc I'm with Jennifer"

Jens heart melted

"Well just forget about her, kiss me"

"NO" brad yelled

"No what do u mean, no, u don't love her, u love me"

"No I don't, I don't love u, I love her"

"U what"

"I love Jennifer and I want to be with her, and ur not going to ruin it this time, I won't let u"

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