First Day

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A new school, a new start, a new life. I like the sound of it. 

I looked in the mirror, and stared at my reflection. A tall girl looked back at me, her green eyes shining with excitement and a hint of fear. I looked over the uniform I was wearing. It wasn't not too bad actually, a navy blazer, gray jumper and a white shirt, with a black pleated skirt. You could wear the tie if you wanted to, but I really didn't. I felt like I was choking already, without that to add to the feeling. 

Would I get judged? My name was pretty normal: Summer Maria Donovan. Average, it didn't stand out too much. I wan't fat, I mean now that I was looking at myself I guessed I wasn't a stick either. I'd grown out of my chubby cheeks, thank god, I was growing boobs and I liked them, and hips too, and my legs were slim and muscular. My voice wasn't overly strange, if a little girly, and my hair was straight and a chocolate brown, scraped back into a neat high-ponytail. I wasn't wearing any makeup, a lot of girls at my old school did, but I'd never been all that keen on it, and I wasn't  very good at putting it on, or buying it either. I smiled at my appearance. I thought that I could slip into the crowd. 

I turned away from the mirror, and looked around my room. We moved in two weeks ago, and we hadn't gotten around to decorating it very much so far. We'd painted it light blue, and bought me deep red curtains. I had a double bed against the back wall, and a desk next to it. Next to the mirror I was stood in front of was my wardobe, with some drawers next to it. I'd already put all of my posters and merchandise up last week, and they made things feel more homey and less strange. I had loads of posters, ranging from Taylor Swift  to Jennifer Lawrence, Miranda Hart and Daniel Radcliffe. I also had Taylor's perfumes and a lot of Hunger Games and Harry Potter merchandise. If you couldn't already tell, I was a bit of a fangirl.

I sprayed some perfume on my wrists and neck, and picked up my school bag, looking through for the billionth time to check that I had everything I needed: diary, pencil case, lunch, grades from previous school, Ipod and earphones for the bus ride. I looked at my watch: I had fifteen minutes before the bus left so I should probably leave soon, even though the bus stop was pretty near our house I really didn't want to miss it. I picked up my school shoes and put them on, and then got I went downstairs and grabbed a breakfast bar, before kissing my parents and shouting good luck for my brother, who was starting college today, He didn't reply, so I guessed that he was asleep. I picked up my house key from the bowl on the table, and took a deep breath before leaving my safe haven, and facing the day ahead of me. 


The bus wasn't too bad. I got on with a few other girls, and they didn't talk to me but they don't glare at me either, they just give me curious looks. I sit by myself, listening to music and wondering what my timetable would be like, as well as my classmates and teachers. Noone really pays me much attention, which is good because I intend on blending in with the crowd. My phone buzzes, and Casey has wished me good luck for today. I smile.

Casey was one of my only friends back at my old school. I've wanted to move schools for a while. I had friends before, but not many. I was the weird girl, the one to be kept away from, and I never quite knew why. The girls there just laughed at me, tripped me up, asked me why I didn't just leave. Casey, Melissa and Annie where my only friends, and I was grateful for their friendship, but sometimes I think they felt like I was a burden. We mostly hung out together, but they all had other friends, and sometimes they got caught up in the bullying too, even though I didn't want them too, What about my new classmates? Will they like me? What if none of them like me, and I'll be stuck just like I am now? Lonely, unnoticed.. I mean I wanted to slip into the crowd, but not quite entirely. What would happen if everything just repeated itself? I couldn't go back, it was horrible the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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