author's note

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hello again !!!

so this is absolutely crazy. I never thought I'd ever post again. me and one direction are "hiatus" icons I swear LMAO

But to the people who might read this: firstly, thank you, and secondly, I'm back with 120k words of contrived angst and outrageous fluff! In other words: issa new story, ladies!!!

I've been writing this story off and on since late 2014 and it's been a long time coming. I wrote this story in my bedroom and on my nana's porch, on planes and on road trips, before breakfast and after dinner, between high school classes and then university classes—and I don't think i'll ever be done editing it. But here's what I've got so far.

Apologies in advance for any typos, inconsistencies, confusing plot points, and slow burn. It's been a long time of erasing and rewriting, but I hope it'll add up for you. I swear it gets better as you read. I think. I hope. LOL.

Do let me know what you think—what you hate, what you love, what doesn't make sense, etcetera. I'd love to hear your thoughts/advice.

Thank you so much for sticking around.

let's get going!!!


additional info:

This story is set in England/loosely follows U of Manchester's academic schedule. As much as I'd like to think I'm English enough to write about it, I'm not English enough to write about it. Please correct me!

I have changed the name of Louis' mum to "Linda" in this story. Also, all characters that are based on real-life people have no connection to their real-life selves, besides their physical appearances and names. They are purely fictional. All other characters are original and belong to my imagination.

The cover is sampled in part from Leigh Well's collage Paper Moon Dreams.

Content warnings: profanity, sexual content, brief drug use, brief retell of domestic abuse, brief homophobia/slurs.

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