chapter sixteen

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Louis bounds through East's doors, with sprits high and a holdall in-hand.


Harry follows suit. "Check."

"Hair ties."


They make a left onto the frigid pavement, heading toward the campus' edge at a healthy speed-walk. The sun is setting behind the trees.

"Hair brush."


Their taxi soon comes into view, idling on the side of the street. Exhaust billows up and around the bumper. Louis turns back toward Harry.

"Charger cable and mobile."


"Change of clothes."

Harry stops. "Shit."

Louis stops too. Spinning in his heels, nearly knocking his bag from his hands, "Wait, are you kidding?" he gawks.

Harry isn't kidding, if the look on his face says anything, "I totally forgot to pack clothes," he mumbles, his bag sliding from his shoulder in defeat, "I packed a toothbrush and bloody hair ties, but forgot any clothes at all."

"You..." Louis begins aimlessly, and clearly his expression of sheer incredulity was all too much for Harry, because the boy is laughing before Louis can finish his thought.

Harry' burst into hysterics, the wind ruffling up his fringe, "Of course I packed clothes, Lou. Who forgets clothes?"

Louis doesn't mention moving out to uni and forgetting his bag of clothes. Or the week of shopping with Zayn that followed. Or that it's the reason why he only owns khakis and polo shirts.

Instead, "Okay, how's this," Louis starts again, closing the distance between himself and their ride to the train station, "Did you hand in your creative writing assignment?"

Harry hikes his bag up his shoulder again, sighing as he finally gets the rest of his giggles out.

"Check. Did it last week." He says.

Louis smiles to himself. "Well done." He replies proudly, and maybe it's Harry who should be proud, relishing in the glory of another semester coming to a close, because maybe Louis had nothing to do with it. But, as they round the back of the taxi, crisp December air rustling up their coats, it feels like a small victory to the both of them.

It was the last thing on either of their schedules until finals—they're free for the time being.

Louis unlatches the boot with a free hand, sliding his holdall off his shoulder and into the taxi. With more giggling and rightful arm-swatting, like proper loved-up children, Harry mimics his actions. Their bags land with a thump, causing both the driver and the taxi itself to bob a little.

Harry slams the boot shut. He stands up straight before meeting Louis' gaze, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"Got everything you need?" Harry asks.

A moment passes.

Louis doesn't mention it either, but he really does.

Louis is nearly asleep when the boy speaks hastily.

"Billy Joel."

Which. Okay, out of all the things to startle Louis from sleep, maybe a mental image of the Piano Man isn't the worst thing. Still, Louis waits a full five seconds before responding, "Billy... Joel?"

A Piece of His Heart / larry uni AUWhere stories live. Discover now