Doesn't Mean I Like You, Nerd

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Ted Thompson. School athlete, king of the Jocks...and crap at classwork. Ted wasn't much on the bright side. Now, he wasn't dumb, just didn't care much about school is all. All he needed was his sports scholarship and boom! He was set for life. At least, that's what he thought.

He had heard that Crabblesnitch was about to take it away if he didn't get his grades up. He needed to get his grades up, fast. So, who could he ask? None of the other jocks, as they didn't really have a clue about school either. The Greasers? Nope, they'd probably try and kick his ass. Preps? Still no, they'd just scoff like the rich assholes they are. And the Bullies? Haha, no. So the only ones left were...oh no. Not them! Definitely no!

He was hanging around the school halls, when he saw a note for studying help. Huh, that seems cool. But, who's 'B'? Eh, whatever. He was just glad there was something that could help him. Later that day, he dropped by the library, finding that Earnest geek sitting by the desk. Might as well annoy him while he waits for B to show up.
"Hey, nerd!" He called.
"Very original. Shouldn't you be off playing with jockstraps?" Earnest said, though it was obvious that he was shaking in his boots.
"Whatever, man. Where's B?"
"B? Oh, Beatrice. She's off in detention. Something with Mandy. I'm taking over lessons for today."
"Well, yes. Why?"
"Nothing." Ted tried to laugh it off.
"Were you...going to-?"
"No! What? You're crazy man!"
"You do realise I haven't said anything yet, you buffoon."
"Shut up."
"Listen, I'll help you out. You just have to pay me."
"Pay? I don't got cash."
"I don't want money."
"Then what?"

Earnest reached for Ted's zip. Shocked, Ted took his hand away.
"What the fuck! You're gay?!"
"Bi. And I know for a fact you are too."
"I am not! The hell, man!"
"Why were you staring at that small jock's ass earlier?"

Ted went pale. How did he know he was staring at Kirby's ass? This was one freaky kid.
"And this'll help you take my grades up?"

Earnest smirked, unzipping Ted's jeans and pulling down his boxers to reveal his dick. Earnest stroked lightly, Ted trying his best to keep his cool. It would have been fine...until Earnest wrapped his lips around it. Ted couldn't handle himself, he pushed Earnest's head down and started moaning. That was all he needed right then. He closed his eyes, trying to pretend it was Mandy, but Earnest kept popping into his mind. And, to his slight dismay, it turned him on even more.

After a while, Ted came in Earnest's mouth, the two just there panting.
"Is this going to be a weekly payment?" Ted panted, a small smirk appearing on his face.

The End

Doesn't Mean I Like You Nerd! (Earnest x Ted)Where stories live. Discover now